Wake me up inside

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Meanwhile, on Daemos.
Rahl was crying over the body of Saya.
His head had a small cut on it.
He carried Saya out of the water Bridal style.
He laid her down on the grass, some of the blood dripped onto her wound.
He was freaking out; to him, it was like someone was tearing him up inside.
"Please, Saya, wake up." He muttered, in the hope, she wasn't dead.
He held her close to his chest, and he kept crying.
He started muttering a little lullaby his mother sang to him.
He rocked back and forth.
"I....I love you, Saya; I've always loved you," He muttered. "And, now, we'll never be mates."

"Dont stop yourself now" He heard a man with a calm, almost soothing voice coming to him.
He looked up and in the fog surrounding him; he saw a tall hooded figure...like the grim reaper.

Rahl pulled Saya close to him; he began to growl.

Rahls pov

"Dont takes her away, please, don't take her away," I said, and I felt more tears fall down my face.
"I'm not here to do that," He said, kneeling next to her. "I'm here to help."
"Well, how.....how, will you help her?" I asked. "Shes dead," I was Upset.
"Well, I can see life forces, and she's still here, look at your mark," He said very calmly.
I looked at the mark I had been covering up.
It was fading between the color of my skin, to black.

"What do I do?" I asked. Hopefully, it will work.
"Well first, it seems your blood is helping her so.....maybe," The man trailed off.
I then used my hand and bit into it.
It started to bleed.

3rd person.

Rahl then began to give Saya....Blood CPR.

(That was the best description I could give)

A few minutes later, Saya woke up, incredibly weak.
She saw Rahl.
"Rahl?" She asked.
"Oh gods," He said, holding Says close....to close.
She couldn't breathe. He let her go.
"I'm so happy to have you back." Rahl said happily.
"How did you know how to save me?" Saya asked.
"I hate to admit this...but I didn't, he did." Rahl said pointing to the man who had taken off his hood. To reveal short black hair and blue eyes.
"Kevin?" She asked. "KEVIN!" She yelled, then she fell onto her face.
Rahl and Kevin helped Saya back into Rahl's arms.
"I thought you were dead." Saya muttered.
"You and about everyone else, I've mostly been in the woods with my kids." Kevin said a calm smile on his face.
"You have kids? I didn't know you could," Saya asked.
"Yeah, apparently I'm very fertile," Kevin corrected.
Saya giggled a little.
After a small chat.
The portal reopened.
Then Rahl carried a sleeping Saya out of the reformed Daemos.
And into the portal. To earth.

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