The incident

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Andrew looked up at the apartment building with worry. "Maybe we should've called before we showed up. You know how antsy Freddy is when he gets interrupted during His days off."

Devon scoffed. "Darling, you know our baby girl Ava secretly loves surprises! I'm sure Freddy will be fine with it."

"Ava faints when surprised. Besides, it sounds like your excuse to catch them off guard to see if they have these supposed boyfriends that you say you saw in Avas Instagram."

"No!" The flat stare from Andrew was enough to trip him up. "Maybe... look, this is our baby we're talking about. I texted Freddy the other day and haven't heard anything back. Then Ava texted me today, denying she even had one, so that leads me to believe she's probably up there being held against her will to make an account to sell the weed or something!"

Andrew chuckled. "You're just mad she didn't follow you back."

"That's beside the point! Look, I've seen it before: first, she denies she's doing anything bad. Then the next thing you know, she's using her rent money to buy a trailer and go out in the middle of the desert to - "

"You just described Breaking Bad."

"It could happen!"

"Do I have to cancel the Flix subscription again? Because every time you get invested in a show, you get paranoid; it's secretly happening under your nose, and then I get paranoid that you may be right."

"Because I usually am! Just think about it: Jake told us Ava hadn't paid her half of the rent this month, and we just paid it for her like we usually do. Plus, she hasn't had a job in a while, so maybe she started to get desperate and - "

"I think you're overthinking this too much. Let's just go talk to them and - "

"No, wait... what if Ava - " Devon gasped in horror. " - is making videos?!"

"What YouTube videos?" Andrew scoffed. "Please. There's no way Freddy would let her do that in the apartment. Besides, our baby wouldn't sink that low to - "

"No. I mean, when I found the account, I saw a lot of... guys on the account, and she deleted the pictures, and - "

A look of horror crossed Andrew's face as he got caught up in his husband's paranoia. "Ava! We're coming pumpkin!"

"And I'm done!" Freddy shouted, putting the camera up. He found some old film from one of his collectible cameras.
"How about a picture" Freddy suggested.
Rhys gasped. "I can't wait to see our camera taken by this camera " Rhys excitedly said
freddy giggled at Rhys.

Soon enough, everyone was in position. Or at least, as close as they were going to be. Only Ava and Freddy sat on the couch, and the Daemos lined up along the back behind them. "You guys can sit with us, you know."

"No way, that bed is too soft," Leif complained.

Asch glared at him. "I was the one who had to sleep on it."

"The floor was better to sleep on," Noi chimed in.

"Sitting was better, though," Rhys argued.

"I prefer to stand," Pierce muttered.

"Okay, you guys don't like the couch. I get it." Freddy sighed exasperatedly. "Just look pretty and smile." "Say 'Cheese.'" Almost at the same moment, he clicked the shutter; he heard the front doors of the apartment burst open.

"Pumpkin!" Andrew cried out behind her.

"Dad! Pop! This isn't what it looks like!" Ava screamed in panic.

"Get away from our baby!" Andrew growled, staring down the Daemos.

"You demons! She's our sweet innocent baby girl!" Devon leaped forward, suffocating Ava in a protective hug. "Do you not have a sense of moral responsibility?!"

"We aren't demons, and we're Daemos!" Leif shouted back, indignantly.

Andrew pulled out his phone. "I'm calling the police."

"Devon, Andrew, this isn't what it looks like," Freddy shouted. But they ignored him.

Asch glared at the two men, summoning a fireball. "Let my prisoners go, or I'll - "

"Did he just... " Devon trailed off.

" - create fire?" Andrew finished for him, dropping his phone in shock.

"Oh no," Freddy murmured. "Leif, knock them out!"

"What?" Devon asked before both he and his husband were knocked out cold.

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