It's a good life

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(For anyone who didn't get the answer to the riddle in the last chapter here's the answer, next to Freddy is a message that appears to be 8154 but that isn't the case. Just turn the numbers 180 degrees, and you see.....Bish, sorry too whoever got it wrong)

Amelia's pov
I had only seen Freddy and Ava's apartment once.
And I was just a few pictures Freddy sent me.
"Wow, I've never seen your apartment in real life before," I said, marveling in the room.
"Yeah, it's really something isn't it," Ava said proudly of it then passing out on the couch.
"Well, she passed out," Freddy said, then he turned to the others. "Well, why don't you guys get changed while I talk to my sister."
A few sures came from them. Then Freddy took me into his room.
The room was different.
It wasn't bare like the pictures; it looked well decorated.
A lot of picture frames covered the wall above the desk.
A small chair sat by the window with a bunch of books sitting by it.
The world has changed so much for us. I wonder how William is.....NAH! He could fall in a ditch for all I care.
"Wow, this is nice!" I said to myself.
"Yeah, hey, if you want to stay here, I have to explain something to you," Freddy said nervously.

Time skip because I don't know how to write him explaining it to her.

Freddy's pov
"And that is," I said, trying not to sound crazy.
Amelia just sat in my reading chair, a blank stare on her face.
"So...they are demons?" She whispered, confused. "Well, Daemos technically, but yeah," I said," oh, and They think Ava is a princess for some reason."
"I need a minute alone," She said, walking out of the room.

Well, I can't blame her. This is a bunch of information to dump onto her. But who knows, maybe they will stay—poor people of Daemos.
But who knows, maybe they'll deal with it on their own. I reached to a book on my nightstand I put it in my lap I opened it, and I saw that in Lou of a bookmark I used an old ultrasound. My mom gave it to me. It's of me and......

Then Rhys came into the room. He had changed into his deamos clothes. He then sat next to me.
"Is everything ok?" He asked me.
"I told my sister about your....situation," I said, and he got it. "She believed me now she's spending some time alone."
Rhys smiled before he noticed what I was holding.
"What's that?" He asked.
" It's an ultrasound; it's how earth parents see their children before they are born, this is mine" I handed the small picture to Rhys.
He smiled but then he saw...him.

"Whos the second one?" Rhys asked," There are two in here."
"Oh...that would have been my brother we were twins, but when we were being born, he....didn't make it," I said sadly. "I mean, my parents didn't even know it was going to happen; they also had a name for him.....Felix"

A white female dog with a cat tail, she was hidden as she overheard a conversation between a future queen and an assassin.
As the conversation progressed her eyes slowly turned red.

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