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(Warning Blood)
Asch was at his breaking point.
He and the others had finally gotten back from the festival.
The list of things kept increasing.
He lost Rhys's attention. Possibly for good
Leif and Noi were avoiding him.
NOI won a stuffed animal for Ava at the festival.
Peirce was......well, he was Peirce.
He missed multiple things, a Socky show, and he had it spoiled—a few murder scenes in television shows didn't help because he missed them too.
He had to be taken care of like he was a baby by Ava.
At the festival, he failed to get Ava's affection. Numerous times.
Then when they came back.....things changed.

They just came back In, and Asch has sat down and was trying to call himself down.
Then...he came up.

It was Noi...poor innocent Noi.
"Prince Asch?.....Prince Asch?.....Prince Asch?" he was trying to get his attention.
Then like a stick breaking..............., he snapped.

Asch struck Noi across the face with his right hand, and Noi fell to the ground.
Leif came to Noi's aid and got him away from Asch's wrath.
While Freddy and Ava took care of a traumatized Noi, he others confronted Asch with their weapons except for Peirce. He left his behind and grabbed a frying pan.

 He left his behind and grabbed a frying pan

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Asch then set his eyes on Freddy.
"YOU!!! THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT YOU TOOK HIM AWAY FROM ME YOU RUINED EVERYTHING IVE WORKED FOR!! " Asch was freaking out. He took his sword and smashed the tv.
In his blind rage, he grabbed the nearest person who was Leif and threw him across the kitchen counter—breaking several things in the process.
Asch used his power to create a fireball, and his rage caused him to mistake Rhys for Freddy. He aimed at him.

"Prince Asch, what do you mean?" Rhys screamed.
"SHUT UP!!" He screamed no emotion other than anger in his voice. "SHUT UP ALL OF YOU!"
Peirce tried to stop him, but Asch threw him against the wall.
Freddy saw the scene.
"RHYS!!" Freddy got up and ran to Rhys.

Freddy got the pure flames in between the shoulder blades.
He fell to the ground; his blood went everywhere it could.
Rhys got his new sweater bloody, Peirce got up and saw his tank top has splatters everywhere.
Asch got a splatter on his right cheek; his gaze didn't change.
Ava screamed bloody murder, which it was.
Rhys started crying and picked him up, Bridal style. And he ran into the daemos lair, and Asch still not calming down ran after him.
The rest ran after him.

Rhys pov
'PLEASE DONT BE DEAD!' I thought as I ran to the spell pool, 'Please by the gods don't let him die.'
I set the bleeding human into the spell pool room.
"LET HIM GO YOU!!" Asch shouted before he was knocked unconscious by Peirce.

3rd person

"Please don't die!" Rhys begged as he sang the mantra a few of the wounds healed, and Freddys eyes opened. But he sensed he was still not fully healed.
"Rhys, let's do it," Freddy muttered out, and Rhys got the hint. Rhys picked Freddy up and walked out of the spell pool then.....

In a flash, Rhys and Freddy had disappeared, and when the smoke clears, only one person was there

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In a flash, Rhys and Freddy had disappeared, and when the smoke clears, only one person was there.

In a flash, Rhys and Freddy had disappeared, and when the smoke clears, only one person was there

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(Well that was.....a lot, now we have this guy, and if anyone has a name for him, comment it, and I'll choose the one I like most.)

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