The break

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Freddy's pov
I was messing with my phone when I got a phone call.
It's my sister, hasn't spoken to her for a while.

Apparently, after I left, my dad was a bit harder on her. He didn't hit her....i hope.
My mom kept drinking. And sometimes she calls me drunk out of her mind.

I answered the phone.
"Hey Amelia, is everything ok?" I asked.
"Hey Freddy, mom told me you got yourself a boyfriend?" She asked me.
"Oh yeah I did, his name is Rhys, why do you ask?" I was curious.
I walked to the window, and it was raining heavily.
"Well, I just wanted to know what she said was right, and does he wear horns sometimes?" She asked.
"Uhhhhh, yeah," I said, confused at the question.
"Good, that's precisely what my powers told me," She said, referring to when in middle school she thought that she could reverse time, and that's how she made friends.
"Amelia, you dont have time powers," I stated. I came up with a funny come back 'You're acting like a Chuunibyou, which is Disorder from Anime that only affects middle schoolers' I was about to say it but then.
"Really? Because you seem to have watched a lot of anime for a guy who was only allowed to watch documentaries? Until he ran away from home" She stated
I stammered for a while.
"I didn't run away I was an adult, who got the f word screamed at me" I yelled at her.
"I know bro I was there" She started calmly.
"Why did you call anyway?" I asked, a little embarrassed.
"Not much, just wondering if you're going to come home soon, Dads been angry."
"When is he ever calm?" I asked jokingly.
We both laughed then. I heard Ava scream.
I looked behind me, and I saw Ava drenched.
I saw there was a hole in the ceiling.
"I'm going to have to call you back," I said, hanging up.
The deamos came running and saw Ava covered in water. Rhys came from my bedroom.
"Freddy, are you hurt!" Rhys shouted.
"Im fine, Ava just got wet," I said calmly.
"What's going on?!" Noi shouted, confused.
"Im drenched in rainwater!"Ava shouted, frustrated.
"Ava, we don't live on the top floor," I said calmly.
"What?" Almost everyone shouted.
"We dont so this can't be rainwater," I explained, pointing at the hole.
Ava looked terrified and ran off.

Time skip.
3rd person.
Ava had gotten a towel.
"Yeah, thanks, Jake." Freddy hung up on his landlord.
"Good news?"  Ava asked with Hope.
"A pipe burst and he suggests that we stay somewhere else for a few weeks." Freddy exclaimed.
"Well, what do we do?" Ava asked.
"Well, I talked to my sister Amelia. She said we could stay with her and my parents until we get our place back," Freddy said....mostly hoping his dad would be calm.
"First order of business, what do we do with Asch?" Ava asked.
"Leif, get him." Rhys ordered.

A few minutes later, Leif dragged an unconscious Asch to the living room.
"Did you knock him out?" Rhys asked.
"Had to, he sat in the corner, muttering 'Stupid Freddy.' over and over." Leif groaned.
"Everyone pack your things. We're going to Lunaris, Ava, get Johnny in his crate." Freddy said, excitedly.
"He hates that crate," Ava complained.
"I don't care don't want cat fur in my car."

Amelia's pov

Amelia's pov

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