Demonic Wolf

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Freddy's pov
"What did you mean when she's losing control?" I asked Felix.
"Oh well, she told me her eyes change color when she's doing something, her eyes are blue when calm, green when healing, red when angry, and some others, I don't remember the rest." Felix explained.

As he explained Rahl took a pill out and was feeding it to Saya,
Then he screamed.
"Ahh! She bit me!" Rahl cried out.
Then Saya started freaking out.
She started shaking on my bed like the girl from the exorcist.
"Oh, Irene! Rahl hold her down!" Felix shouted.
Rahl held her down as she started screaming.

Time skip(Because I'm tired and lazy)

We were able to calm her down, gave her a pill, and she fell asleep.
I was patching up Rahl in the bathroom.

Then Rhys came in.

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