The poems

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"Uh, not this box again," Asch muttered in annoyance as they stood in front of the elevator.
"Just remember it will take us a long time before we-" Rhys was interrupted.
Jake was staring at the group in annoyance. "Can you guys not clutter up the hallway?"

"It's this human," Asch spat out.

"Do I know you guys from somewhere?"

Leif's eyes shined in anticipation. "Should I kill him?"

"Excuse me?!"

"Could you excuse us for one second?" Rhys pulled the Daemos into a circle, lowering his voice. "You need to  be smart about this," he whispered fiercely. "We cannot let other people know we aren't really human."

"Or else they'll take us to the Area 51," Pierce cut in solemnly.

"Yes, correct!"

Leif looked around. "So what do we do?"

"Just let me take care of this. It'll be fine." Rhys whispered.

"I'm literally right here," Jake groused.

Time skip.

Rhys Pov

I was looking for this variety of spices.
I looked in the book that the wise Mrs.Oates gave me; it had a list of them.
I took a deep breath
"Ok, just get these and Prince Freddy and Princess Ava will be ok, " I said to myself.
This whole situation is terrifying; maybe this sickness only affects humans? Or perhaps just royalty? I DONT KNOW!!

Then I felt something in my pocket.
I reached into it and pulled out a small piece of paper.

I reached into it and pulled out a small piece of paper

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It was easy to read, but I recognized the handwriting. It was Prince Freddys.
He probably put in my pocket when I said goodbye.
I then remembered one of my lessons in Earth culture

Flashback two days ago.
3rd person
"Now, today's lesson is about one of my favorite subjects," Freddy said excitedly "Poetry!"
"Po tree?" Rhys said confused.
Freddy laughed at this.
"Poetry is a fantastic thing, and if it's done right, it can be beautiful." Freddy said, grabbing a book from the bookshelf. He opened it and gave it to Rhys.

"This is interesting," Rhys said happily

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"This is interesting," Rhys said happily.
"Yeah, but did you see it?" Freddy asked.
"See what?" Rhys asked, confused. "I just see words"
"Yeah, but a wise man once said the pen is mightier than the sword, " Freddy announced," That means that unlike a sword, a pen can hide secrets."
"Really?" Rhys asked.
"Like this poem, it was written by a young girl and her brother who were kept prisoner by an evil count and his girlfriend; they knew that three brave Knights would be in the area, " Freddy paused "so they hid their location in this poem, they couldn't say where they were hiding in case the count found the poem."
Rhys then looked at the poem closely
"I see Foun-tain?" Rhys said, sounding out the word.
Freddy laughs.
"Yeah, so basically they figured it out too, and they saved the two and brought them to a sorcerer to keep them safe in his flying house," Freddy described.
(AN: If anyone got the reference, have a very fantastic day)

The present.
I put the piece of paper back in my pocket.
I grabbed the spices from the book and walked out of there. I knew what he meant.

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