The morning

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Rhys woke up sweating; he never had a dream-like that before.
"Freddy is....A prince," He murmured. He started deep breathing; he never wanted to court royalty before.
He got out of the seat. He had fallen asleep in and walked out of the daemos lair.
He sat on the couch, and he put his head in his hands.
"How did that even happen." He asked himself, visions never came to him in his sleep, he heard about it in the past but never experienced it.

He played back everything that he and Freddy did together in his head, he softly smiled.
"He never mentioned being a prince." Rhys murmured.
He got off the couch and walked to the Freddys room.
He didn't knock because he knew Freddy would just be getting up.
He walked in, and he saw that Freddy was sitting on his bed his head in his hands.
" You're ok, Freddy, you're in your bedroom," He said to himself. "No one is after you."
"Are you alright?" Rhys asked. Making Freddy jump.
Freddy just woke up, so he wasn't wearing his glasses.
"Rhys!" Freddy turned around to face Rhys.
Rhys looked concerned for Freddy; he saw Asch have a similar freakout once.
"Are you ok.?" Rhys asked calmly walking towards Freddy.
"I-I'm fine, just a bad night of sleep." Freddy stuttered out.
"What happened?" Rhys pleaded.
"I felt like a cold hand was reaching into my mind." Freddy claimed.
Then Rhys started Kissing Freddy. But then coming in from the door was

 But then coming in from the door was

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