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Amelia ran out of the house; she ran and sat down in front of the gate.

She took some deep breaths and started rubbing the spot her father slapped her.
It hurt to touch.
Then Asch and Freddy ran out of the house after her.
"Amelia, wait!" Freddy yelled and ran to his sister's side. "Why did you run off?"
"He's never done that in front of people before, just when we're alone." Amelia cried. "It was embarrassing."
"It looks like your face is about to bruise, I'll get you an ice pack, Asch don't hurt her anymore," Freddy said, running back into the house.

"So, your father hits you?" Asch asked. "Why?"
Amelia sighed.
"Mostly because I wouldn't date these boys he tried to make me to." Amelia sobbed. "They were basically all rich...brats."
"Bur-ats?" Asch said, not understanding the word.
Amelia laughed.
"You're funny." Amelia was cheering up.
Asch blushed.
"Hey, is it ok if I....kiss you?" Asch asked.
Amelia nodded.

Then Asch gave Amelia a (Terrible) kiss.
It was wet but affectionate.

"Well, maybe I could teach you to-" Amelia was interrupted by a man grabbing her

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"Well, maybe I could teach you to-" Amelia was interrupted by a man grabbing her. "LET ME GO!" she tried to struggle out of his grip, but she was yo weak.
Asch got up and was about to make a fireball, but then the man kicked his in the chest, and he fell back.
He was about to run after them but then.....Amelia and the man we're gone.
"What?!" He was confused.

Then Freddy came back out of the house, and he had an ice pack in his hand.

Time skip.

Asch and the others were directed into Freddys dads study, where he just sat behind his desk next to his wife, who looked terrified and confused.

There's an awkward silence and tension in the air.
Then a man in a black leather jacket walked into the room.
"Jason, good to see you here." Freddy's dad said calmly and pointed at Asch. "Him"

Then Jason grabbed Asch by his throat and held him to the sky.
"Wheres my daughter?" Freddy's dad said bluntly.

Obviously, Asch couldn't talk, and all he could do was make noises.
"Sorry, but all I'm hearing is Girk.." Freddys dad said in anger.
"Did someone named 'Girk.' kidnap her?" Freddy's mother asked.
"Silence, the men are talking." Freddy's dad yelled.

"Jason let him-" Freddy was interrupted by his father

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"Jason let him-" Freddy was interrupted by his father.
"Shut up!" He yelled.
Asch tried to escape Jason's grip, but it was iron tight like he wasn't even human or anything Alive for that matter.

Asch started making a writing signal with his hand.
"He wants the check?" Freddy asked.
"No, a pen," Freddys dad corrected, grabbing a pen from his desk and handing one to Asch.
Then he used the pen to draw on his hand to signal....
"Palm reader?" Freddy's mom asked.
"Palm...hand?" Ava said to herself," Oh, handwriting!"
"No, paper," Freddys dad corrected her.

He handed Asch a piece of paper.
"Flat surface," Freddys dad said bluntly.
Jason slammed Asch into a wall.
And Asch started drawing...terribly.
He drew a female figure being grabbed by a male one.
Then he gave it to Freddys dad.
"What is this?" Freddy's dad asked with anger," Why didn't you write it down?"
He used his writing signal again.
"Palm reading!" Ava shouted.
Asch became angry and threw the pen and tries to get out of Jason's grip. To attack Ava

Freddy's dad sighed.
"Drop him."
And that's what Jason did. And left without a word.
Asch caught his breath. Appreciating the air he could get.
"A man in white took her, " Asch said between gasps.
As he gasped for air.....Freddy noticed a small birthmark on his left hand; it was a little clock.
Oddly enough the time on it was..... 7:30.

Time skip.

Amelia's pov
I woke up; I was in a dark room I couldn't move....then I heard a voice.

then I heard a voice

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Wait....i know that voice....its......


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