They're here

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Freddy's pov
I was messing with the spyglass.
Then, Ava, Amelia, and Saya came up; Amelia was wearing a new ring.
"Hey, beautiful ring," I said to my sister.
"Thanks, excellent....telescope?" She asked.
" It's a spyglass," I corrected " It's like a telescope but portable."
Then ava noticed something going on away from us.
"Well, could you see what's happening over there?" she asked.
I opened it, and I pointed it towards the crowd of people standing.
It looked like a carriage arrived. I looked around at the people who left it.
It was a female, with black horns, blonde hair.
A male with white horns, he looks sort of like Asch, I saw that he had a yang symbol, but he quickly covered it up.
Then next to him was............. Zex!!!

I put the spyglass down.
"Zex," I squeaked out.
"What?" Amelia and Ava said almost Simultaneously.
"Oh, crap, to the house!" Saya said before sneaking away, as she did, we followed.
But then I heard a female voice.
"Hey, you male!" she yelled behind me.
"It's the blonde lady," Felix told me. "She has Zex with her"
I took my glasses off so he wouldn't recognize me.
"Can I help you with something?" I asked them.
"Turn around." She ordered.
I hid my glasses in a pouch.
I turned around; my vision improved a little, maybe because of the magic. But it was still a little blurry
It was Zex and the blonde woman.
The woman looked me up and down.
"It doesn't seem like him, Lady Bish, maybe we should keep looking," Zex commented. The woman bish scoffed and walked away, Zex followed.
I turned around again and put my glasses on.
I walked a little, and I found my way back to the house.
The others were there.
"What? You left me there," I complained.
"Sorry, but that lady gives off bad vibes." Amelia commented.
"Yeah, and Asch told me about her, and she is dangerous." Ava said.
I groaned when I saw Saya standing in the middle of the room.
"Amelia, Ava, can you go to your places? I need to talk to Freddy in private," Saya said calmly.
When they both left with confused looks on their faces.
"What's this about?" I asked.
"I know about Felix," She announced. "And I know how to bring him back."
"Wait, you can," Felix shouted. He sounded happy.
" Let's do it." I announced. "So, what do we do?"
"We need to go to the woods." She said calmly.

Time skip.

We walked for about an hour.
We ended up at a ritual spot. It was a small clearing.

She had me lay down on a small stone in the center.
I closed my eyes. She started chanting then........

Small-time skip(Don't know how to write a ritual)
I opened my eyes; I felt fragile I got up, but then.

I screamed a little at what I saw. I wasn't really expecting it. But it was nice to see.

 But it was nice to see

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