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It took some convincing, but Freddyfinally was able to get the dog.
He named him Mikey.

Mrs. Oates stood there, holding an ancient-looking camera in her hands. "Oh, Felix! I hope I didn't interrupt something..." she finished with a sly smile.

Freddy shuttered at that and stared openly at the machine. "Is that... a folding half-plate camera?" Freddy said excited, he's a fan of old tech.

"Yeah, never really got the hang of those modern cameras you youngsters like so much, so I just use this one". she gives the camera to Freddy with care "But it hasn't worked for a while, so I was hoping you could take a look at it when you have a chance."

"I can try, but I don't know how much help I'll be," Freddy said, confused why she wants him to do this.

"Thank you. I know you make enough money at the lab, but..." I interrupted her by shushing. "Right not allowed to talk about it." The elder woman held out a small wad of cash. "I know it hasn't been easy helping Ava get on her feet, especially now that you have five extra 'guests' staying with you."
Freddy blushed slightly.
"Yeah, and if you're expecting to see them, they're shopping with Ava." Freddy explained.
"Oh, that's a shame, but some advice, don't lose the one you love," Mrs.Oates said.
freddys face became very red.
"I-i don't love one of them." Freddy stuttered out.
"Trust me, Felix, have 'That' enough times and feelings will generate." She said with a sweet smile.
Freddy shuttered again and closed the door after saying goodbye.
"My name is Freddy," he muttered to himself.
His phone started ringing; he checked it's his mother.
Freddy sighed and pressed decline.

Freddylooked at the old camera.

"This is a relic."
The Daemos immediately turned to Ava

"Is it powerful?!" Asch asked hungrily.

"Can it kill someone?!" Leif sounded positively homicidal.

"It's gonna kill me with how complicated this thing is gonna be to fix, " Freddy sighed. Freddy knew pretending Ava was an "all-powerful sorceress" was important to their survival, but it was getting weirder by the day.

However, the tide seemed to be turning in his favor. Rhys stared at him, starry-eyed. "You can fix a relic?!"
"Well yeah, if I have the right tools, which reminds me I have to get them." Freddy said walking to his room and coming back out with a small red toolbox.
"What's that?" Rhys asked.
"Oh, well," Freddy thought of something that would make sense to him. " It's a box that can get you any tool to fix relics like this one." Freddy explained.

Rhys leaped forward and began examining the camera. Ava barely managed to dodge him as she went to her bedroom to get dressed. "It's fascinating: there are so many runes inside of it."

"Those aren't runes: they're called gears and bolts and screws, among other things." Freddy opened his toolbox, pulling out a few small screwdrivers.

"What are those?" Rhys asked.

"They hold stuff together and make things work, is the best way I can describe them." The man watched him, noticing how he kept narrowing his eyes as he studied the device. "You squint a lot."

"Some things are hard for me to make out," he confessed.

"Hmm... " Freddy paused, thinking before he took off his glasses. "Do me a favor: try these on."

"What will they do?"

"They might help you see better, so you don't have to squint at everything. If they work, I have a second pair I can let you use."

Rhys gently took the glasses, staring at them in confusion. "How do they work?"

"Just put them on your face, like you've seen me do." The man pantomimed what he usually did.

He carefully copied him, blinking in confusion once they were settled on his face. "M-my eyes... I can see better!"
"Feels good, huh," Freddy laughed.

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