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"The Fall Festival?" Freddy asked.

Ava nodded. "A pro is if we don't go, I can just sleep more and do whatever I want without the weight of the world judging me on my shoulders!"

Freddy raised an eyebrow. "That's a pro?"

"And the con is we can just sit here in the apartment... in our rooms... doing nothing... as always... "

"Speak for yourself. I've at least gotten out to buy groceries." He looked thoughtful. "But... you do have a point. It feels like we've just been coasting through everything, especially this week."

"Everyone in my school has been going to the Fall Festival since we were young, and Lorelai did say some friends from high school were going to be there for sure, so there's no way around it." Ava closed her eyes. "But... high school for me was... "

"Terrible?" Freddy asked.
"Something like that," Ava sighed. "Besides, my dads used to take me all the time."
"Yeah, that seems nice" Freddy trailed off.

"I've been meaning to ask you: where are your parents? I remember you mentioning them but I've never met them?"

Before he could answer, the muffled sounds of Leif grumbling in the living room broke through. "Asch, give me the remote!"

"Over my dead body!"

"That can be arranged!"

Both of them let out soft chuckles. "Maybe... they'd want to go?" Ava asked, looking at Freddy.

Freddy nodded. "I think we could all do with some time outside. Besides, it'd be a good chance to expose them to some casual Earth culture, let them blow off some steam." He said, remembering Asch.

They walked out to see the action.

The Daemos continued arguing, oblivious that the two humans were now present. "We both know I'm stronger than you," Asch bragged as he and Leif fought for control of the remote.

"We've never really tested that out now, have we?" the former assassin shot back.

"No," Pierce answered simply from his perch on the end of the couch.

"Shut up, Pierce!"

Asch renewed his efforts to secure the remote. "I'd challenge you to a combat, but I do not want to miss Socky's next grand adventure!"

"I need to watch the show about the murders!"

"You can't even remember your favorite 'Tee-Vee' show's name! You don't care about it!"

"I only pay attention to certain parts!"
"Its called Ace attorney!" Freddy called out," And leif if you want it, let go!"
Leif let the remote go, and Asch fell to the ground and dropped the remote.
"That was easy" Leif grabbed the remote and ran to the couch.
Asch growled.

Ava was going to teach the Daemos how to clean themselves up. Freddy had snuck away from the group to see Rhys.

Freddy had been teaching him to keep himself clean. And taught him to shave.
Rhys was sitting and talking to Noi.
"Rhys, I have some news." Freddy announced. "Noi, can you leave us alone?"
"Of course!" Noi cheered and left.
Noi left, and Freddy sat next to Rhys.
"There is a festival nearby, and I was wondering if you wanted to go?" Freddy asked.
"Of course, I love anything with you," Rhys blushed.
"Cool, get changed, and we'll go," Freddy announced.

Rhys had changed into one of the outfits Freddy bought him, and they left while the others were in the bathroom.

Halfway to the festival, they ran into a man....
"Wait.....LAWRENCE!" Freddy ran and hugged him.

"Lawrence this is my boyfriend Rhys, Rhys this is Lawrence he raised me since I was a kid" Freddy announced"Wow, I have to say, you chose a catch, " Lawrence commented," Dont let this one escape your grasp; you know when you ran off, I was scared ...

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"Lawrence this is my boyfriend Rhys, Rhys this is Lawrence he raised me since I was a kid" Freddy announced
"Wow, I have to say, you chose a catch, " Lawrence commented," Dont let this one escape your grasp; you know when you ran off, I was scared you wouldn't find anyone but look at you!" Lawrence was happy at this.

"Lawrence this is my boyfriend Rhys, Rhys this is Lawrence he raised me since I was a kid" Freddy announced"Wow, I have to say, you chose a catch, " Lawrence commented," Dont let this one escape your grasp; you know when you ran off, I was scared ...

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'Wow, he's looking to young to be 68.' Rhys thought.
"68? Wow, you look fabulous for 68, what's your secret?" Freddy asked.
"Well I don't know myself, I guess I'm just lucky."

Time skip
Ava and the others arrived, Asch only came to look for Rhys.
Then he saw.

Rhys then saw Asch

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Rhys then saw Asch.
"Prince Asch!" He called out.
"Oh, there they are," Ava called, then she noticed the bunny hanging from Freddys back."Where did you get that?"
"Oh, Rhys won it for me at the ring toss; he has a fantastic arm." Freddy answers, kissing Rhys on the cheek.
Ava didn't say anything, but her eyes lit up.
"Freddy, I thought?"

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