Living Felix Au

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This is an Au where Felix didn't die at Birth.
This happens when Rhys and Freddy start dating.

Freddy's pov
Ava had been pranking me a lot lately.
The last straw was when she dyed Mikey Pink.

Rhys and I were bathing him.
" baby, why did she do this to you?" I cried out.
"She did it because she wanted to get back at your for last year," Rhys said, confused.
"It was a mistake, how was I supposed to know the goat would do that?" I shouted angrily.
"I'll get her back for this," I muttered....then I remembered a prank I pulled in high school with my brother.
"Hey Rhys, how would you like to help me prank Ava and the others?" I asked. Rhys's eyes seemed to sparkle.
"I get to be a part of a human culture event?" He asked happily.
I nodded. Then I stepped away from the bathtub as Rhys kept cleaning our fur baby.

I called my brother Felix. He was in college at about now. His last class is probably over.

"Hey, bro!" He chirped from the other side.
"Hey, how would you like to help me prank my roommate and a few of our friends." I asked.
"I don't know." Felix wasn't sure.
"Remember the twin pact we made when we were kids?" I said. We promised we would do whatever for each other....with limits.

"Good, meet me outside by the dumpster of my building," I said and hung up

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"Good, meet me outside by the dumpster of my building," I said and hung up.
"My twin brother will be here tomorrow, is Ava still babysitting those twins today?" I ask.
Rhys nodded.
Good, this will work correctly.

Ava and I had to babysit twins from down the hall. They remind me of Felix and me.
One was smart. The other was strong. Physically anyway.

Rhys and I snuck off.
"Ok, when I come in and show the others a bite mark, I'll pretend one of the twins bit me, and you tell them about a disease I made up" I paused "Twinfection."
Rhys giggled at the name.
"So basically, if a human gets bit by a twin, earth creates a different version of that person." I explained.
"Got it." Rhys said.

I walked out of the room.
"Ava, I'm going to take the trash out!" I yelled, grabbing a trash bag.

I went outside to meet up with my brother.

"SURPRISE, BROTHER!" Felix yelled from the inside the dumpster. He jumped out of it.
"Oh, hey," I said, not even flinching. I'm used to it.

"So? What's the prank?" Felix asked?
"Well, I need to mess with my friends' heads," I stated.
"Oh, So you want me to be you?" He asked.
"No, I want you to be wild insane mad and dangerous," I muttered as he got out of the dumpster.
" in high school?" Felix asked.
"You in high school, times a hundred." I said.
"Wait, is it that whole twinfection thing? Nobody is dumb enough to fall for that." Felix said, disappointed.
"Oh, let me tell you about my roommate." I said in a calm voice.


I walked into the apartment.
I 'ran into' Rhys. And I pretended to notice a bite mark on my arm.
" no-no" I muttered
Rhys grabbed my shoulder and took me to the couch.
The others looked confused at Rhys fake look of concern.
"What is it?" Asch asked.
"Freddy got bit by one of the twins; now he has a twinfection." Rhys said, concerned.
"A what?" Noi asked. "What's that?"
"A twinFection is when someone gets bit by a twin, and Earth creates a second. The evil version of the person that was bit!" Rhys pretended to freak out.
"Oh don't be ridiculous, that could never" Asch was interrupted by Felix running through the front door.
He must have ruined his clothes while I was coming upstairs.

Everyone was too stunned to move, but he grabbed a pitcher of iced tea and dumped it on ava and threw it at Asch

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Everyone was too stunned to move, but he grabbed a pitcher of iced tea and dumped it on ava and threw it at Asch. It was plastic, so it only hit him., and then as he was running away, he knocked over a bookshelf.

"What?" Ava asked, her skin and hair covered in tea.
"What Was That?" Leif said, actually terrified.
"You believe me now?" I said.
"I....Dont know," Peirce muttered.
Then Felix came back in, with two flower pots with flowers in them.
He then threw both of them at Ava but missing.
He did it on purpose.
"Ok, now I believe," Ava muttered.

After a few hours of cleaning everything, Rhys and I pretended to look up what to do next.

Then as I told him, Felix ran back in.

Be threw trash all around the room. And he bit Ava. Not hard enough to break the skin, just enough to hurt.

He then ran out, screaming nonsense.
I looked over, surprised.
"What happened?" Rhys freaked out.
"Nothing, he just threw trash around and bit Ava" Noi said worried.
"Oh no," I muttered," That means she is going to have a twin even eviler than the one I have!" I pretended to freak out.
That sent everyone into a panic.

I then told them what I 'Found' Online.

Ava had a cup of raw eggs ready she was in the middle of a circle the others except me and Rhys made. Noi, a raw fish, and Leif and Peirce had rams horns. Asch was dressed like a fairy.
I secretly am recording the whole thing.
"This is stupid!" Asch yelled.
"Do you want princess Ava to have an Evil twin?" Rhys asked sternly.
"No!" He yelled.
"Good, so that means you have to do what the sacred internet says," I said in an Ominous voice.
"Ok" Ava muttered.

"Ok!" I shouted. "Ava drink the eggs!"
After she did that.
"Noi rub the fish on your face!" I yelled.
After he did that.
"Peirce Leif blow the ram's horns!" I yelled.
After they did that.
I made them do it as Felix snuck in, dressed normally.
So instead of Peirce and Leifs order I said.

So instead of Peirce and Leifs order I said

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"Hi Felix!" Everyone took them a second to realize what I said.

They stopped doing what I made them do....

"You have a twin brother!!" Ava and Asch yelled.

Me my brother and Rhys just kept laughing.

(Had some writers block recently, so I'm doing this happy pride)

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