Going home

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Amelia's pov
Mom, dad, and Freddy helped me pack up.
It was a few things and only was in one box.
I got a suitcase and a backpack.
We met up with the others outside.
Then dad said.
"My baby girl is leaving," He said sobbing a little.
"Dad, you know I can visit anytime, and I will keep in touch," I said, comforting him. I've been getting used to this place.
Then mom turned to him.
"Lawrence you know when they leave,

"Lawrence you know when they leave,

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Dad lightened up. He stayed silent for a bit. Then said.
"See you!" He said, and he and mom went inside.

Then we got into Freddys car.
"Leif Noi! Stop making out and get in the car!" Freddy shouted.

Time skip.

I leaned my head and looked out the window. Watching the scenery go by.
"Can you heal people?" Noi asked.
"What?" I said, confused. "What do you mean?"
"He means that your brother can heal people, and he's asking you." Rhys said from the passenger seat.
"Wait, Freddy, you can heal people?" I asked, confused.
"Of course, what? You thought you were the only one special in the family?" Freddy said a bit of a cocky attitude.
"Sort of," I said, scoffing.
"well, you aren't!" Freddy said calmly.
Then I was exhausted. It's been a long few hours.

I drifted off to sleep.

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