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Freddy's pov

I was going through my phone. I missed out on so much while I was in Daemos.

I was sitting in Rhys's lap.
"Um, Rhys, I've meant to ask," I said," How did you give me and the other humans horns?"

"Oh, I didn't," Rhys said "I used a particular spell, it only made you look like you had horns, they weren't real, they just looked like they were"

Wow. He's powerful.
"It worked," I said. "I hope the magic didn't mess with the kids."
I was worried. I'm pregnant, and I was used by magic.

But. I'll endure it for him.
Then I saw Saya and Rahl's walk out of Ava's bedroom.
"Oh, hello, you two," I said. "Is everything ready?"

They both need to return to Daemos. They can't stay here any longer than a day our time.
It's sad to see them go. But it has to be done.

"Oh, we're ready," Saya said sweetly. "Also, are the two ok?"
"They're beautiful, no pain," I said. "Now, you both hurry back, don't need a coup happening."

"What's that?" Rahl asked, confused.
Oh right. He's only been here for a day.
" It's hard to explain." Rhys said. "I'll tell you next time I see you."

Good save Rhys.

We bid our goodbyes, and they both walked off.

"I keep thinking about my parents, how do I explain the Felix situation." I said worried,"My parents are open, but I don't think they're this open."

"Well, is there any instance in earth culture where a dead sibling comes back from the grave?" Rhys asked.

The only thing I can think of is in mythology or fiction.
"No, none that I can think of." I said honestly.

"Well, let's think the details later," Rhys said. He lofted be off his lap. " let's talk about something else."
He set me down in the couch and sat next to me.
"Well, maybe on when you first met my parents," I said.
"Oh yeah, your father pulled me aside and gave me a bunch of questions.," Rhys said shuttering.
Oh yeah, every Boyfriend I've ever had was questioned by my dad on how happy they make me.
He's worries too much.
"Yeah, he's done that a lot," I said," And my mom kept feeding Noi because she said he was skinny."

"Yeah, and Leif was scared that she was trying to poison him." Rhys said. "He wanted to try it before him."
"It was sweet." I said, "Then Asch kept staring at my sister; then, we found them kissing in the closet."
"Yeah, Amelia said his kiss was terrible, buts he's gotten better." Rhys said. " When we kissed, you said it wasn't your first."

"Yeah, my first kiss was when I was younger....but I didn't really like it" I said.
I started thinking about that birthday party.
"What was wrong with it?" He asked.

Nothing....but I can't tell him that.

Felix's pov

I gave Zex some of Freddys clothes. They were a bit tight on him. But it worked.

I can't stop thinking about one of the few times I made memories.
I could leave Freddys body at times. He became too troubled or sad.
One of them was at that party. I figured out while I was a spirit. I could move things around.

So I took revenge for my brother. I didn't kill them. Just traumatized them enough so they wouldn't do that again.

"Umm.Felix?" Zex asked.
I changed him to a black long sleeve shirt and blue jeans.
"Yes, Zex?" I asked.
"Can.....uh....we breed?" He asked.
Say what?
"Uh, what's with the sudden wanting?" I asked. " You're pretty quick."

"Well, I'm the last of my kind." Zex said," I need to have children as fast as I can."

"Ok, maybe we could take it slow, no need to rush things." I said. I think he's cute. But not this fast.
I'm a baby in being alive. Don't want to go through that so fast.

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