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The deamos except for Rhys, we're hanging out in their little room.
Freddy came into the room carrying a silver tray.
"What is that?!" Leif teleported in front of Freddy.
"Its.......Potions made from special herbs, since you guys are new here, I thought I could give you guys some refreshments." Freddy announced happily.
"How do we know this isn't a trick to poison us," Asch said, giving Freddy a death stare.
"I trust him; he seems like a nice man," Noi said, walking up to the man in the white jacket.
"Thank you, Noi," Freddy exclaimed. "And Asch, if it makes you feel any better, I'll have some too," Freddy said, setting the tray down on a table.
Freddy then picks up a cup and gestures for the Daemos to grab one too. They each grabbed a silver cup and held it.
"Now everyone, take a drink," Freddy said, and as if on cue, each of the men took a sip from the cup in their hands.
"This tastes.... AMAZING!" Noi shouted happily, a big drink follows.
Freddy nodded.

But when the others weren't looking, he spits the liquid back into his cup. He didn't want to drink it.

The four daemos started feeling sick.
They were in the humans living room.
"Curse that, Freddy! He poisoned us!" Asch screamed, lying on the ground at the brink of throwing up.
"Prince asch we don't know if he poisoned-" Leif couldn't finish his sentence before Asch turned to him and screamed.

Asch's Pov

Leif's pov

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Leif's pov

(Centaur autocorrect)Noi's pov

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(Centaur autocorrect)
Noi's pov

(Centaur autocorrect)Noi's pov

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