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Freddy's pov

I was awoken by my phone going off.
I reach over and....
It's my boss.
"Hey Micheal, " I said into the phone.
"Hey Freddy bud I need you tell you that theibpesction yesterday found out we have asbestos in the crawlspace"  I heard Michael say.
I groan. "I told you that was in there, so what I get a few more days off?" I ask and he sighs and agrees.
I end the call.
Then I hear flushing coming from the bathroom.
"Oh right them," I said getting up and walking out of my room.
I open the door to see rhys flushing the toilet one and over again.
He noticed me.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"I didn't mean to - "

"Just... get out and go to sleep. I need to use the bathroom." I gently pushed my way past him, he stopped, his hands midway to the edge of his pajama pants. "Uh...what're you doing?"

"I want to observe how you mix potions." His face was adorably eager, eyes fairly lit up with curiosity.

"Oh my God, you don't know what a toilet is, do you?"

"A toy-lot..." Rhys stumbled over the word.

I got a sudden, wicked idea.
"Leave, before I unleash my powers upon you!"

"W-wait! I didn't mean any disrespect!"

"Too late." I reached back and flushed the toilet. That was all it took. Rhys raced out the door, slamming it shut behind him. "Just so you know," he called out, "humans enjoy their privacy in this room. Spell mixing can be very difficult."

"Y-yes. *ahem* Apologies."

3rd person.

"For now, things are going according to plan. The humans will teach us how to be humans so we can learn their weaknesses. Then, once we know how they work, we will bring the strongest back to Daemos to extract their magic," Asch finished confidently. His knights seemed to have a firm grasp of his plan.

"Heh heh, that's a good plan." Noi, eager as always, was quick to agree.

"An impressive strategy," Pierce nodded.

"See, he had a plan all along," Leif purred, giving Rhys a confident look.

"All right, then. What is the next course of action?"

"We kill no humans: we begin blending in. Leif, wake the prisoner up," Asch ordered.

"With pleasure." Leif went back towards the small human female's room.

The Daemos prince turned back to the others. "We need to begin assimilating ourselves with the humans immediately."

"It's possible we might be able to play the two humans off of one another," Rhys added thoughtfully. "The larger one in particular seems protective of the smaller, given the events that took place yesterday."

"Do you think he will obey if we threaten the small one?"

"No, that will only prompt him to attack us again. he seems reasonably intelligent. I'm sure if we approach this logically and calmly, we will be able to convince them both to assist us. We definitely took a step in the right direction by tending to her wounds last night: she appears to be fully recovered and in a somewhat cooperative mood."

"Who's is a cooperative mood now?" came a voice from behind them. Startled, the Daemos spun around to see the male human coming towards them. He was clad in pants similar to the ones he wore yesterday, as well as a tunic which apeared to have some sort of monster depicted, surrounded by Ee-urth inscriptions. A talisman of two silver creatures hung from a chain on his neck, the strange mask he had been wearing yesterday back upon his face. He was not wearing anything upon her feet.

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