The care

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Asch looked up in annoyance from his place beside Ava's bed as Noi ran in, holding a small bottle in his hand. "Well?"

"The Johnny spirit led me to this in the bathroom'! It's a potion and it's called... Ty- uh... Ty-lee-noi!"

"Wha-what?" The Daemos prince stood. "Y-y-your name is in it?"

"Yes! Which means it must work!"
Asch chose this moment to inform Noi about Freddys secret.
"Noi, I need to tell-" Asch was interrupted by Rhys and Freddy walking into the room.
"Nothing," Asch finished.
"Ok?" Noi said, confused.

Pierce came out of Ava's bathroom, ducking his head to fit through the doorway. "I filled water in Ava's spell pool. Perhaps that will help?"
Freddy then noticed that Pierce had a confused look on his face.
"Is something wrong?" he asked. And Pierce put his leg on Ava's bed. He raised his pant leg.
"What am I supposed to be looking at?" Freddy asked.
"That's the problem; in a battle two years ago, I became injured and had a large scar on this leg, but now it's gone," Pierce explained.
"When did it disappear?" Rhys asked.
"When the spell pool started to glow while Freddy spoke that strange incantation," Pierce explained.

Asch just became more suspicious of Freddy when Pierce said that.
"Wow, " Nois eyes lit up "You can heal scars?"
"Well, it's new to me; my grandmother used to sing it to me." Freddy explained nervously. "And apparently my grandfather sang it to a flower so..."
Freddy trailed off.
Asch's face became bitter.
"And changing the subject, I don't think a bath is the best thing to help with sickness, any other ideas?" Freddy suggested.
Leif came into the room, annoyed. He had nothing.

"Oh, it's called Ty-lee-Noi!" Seemingly oblivious to the conversation, Noi turned around to face the group. "...but, I don't know how to use it."

"It's named after you." Rhys perked up. "Let me see." He stepped forward, taking the proffered bottle. "It says 'peel back for instructions'."

Pierce's eyes widened in horror. "Peeling? Like skin?"

"You can peel skin," Leif scoffed.

"I think it means the paper, but I can't get it." Rhys fumbled with the bottle, grunting. "Guh, what is this 'Lock Device'?!"
Freddy took the bottle away from Rhys, and he opened it with ease.
Rhys looked embarrassed.
"Yeah, good thing I was here, you could have given her the wrong amount of these" Freddy said walking out of the room to get a glass of water for Ava.

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