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"So, what exactly did your prince mean by 'making these living accommodations more suitable'?" Freddy sat down on the couch, giving the remaining two Daemos a pointed look as he crossed his legs. "Because if it involves knocking down walls or any sort of construction, I'm gonna have to veto this idea right now."

"Con-struc-ton?" Rhys tripped over the unfamiliar word.

"It means to physically knock down walls, build new walls, things like that." He tilted his head slightly. "You really don't know that word, do you?"

"It is not something we would say on Daemos, no." He scanned the living room, stopping when his eyes landed on the wall adjacent to Ava's bedroom. "This location should suffice."

Freddy watched as he began to trace sigils in the air, leaving glowing signs on the wall that swiftly faded. 'So, I guess that settles that. These guys really are magic demons. Daemos,' he corrected himself. 'Still, something about their story doesn't feel right...'

Leif appeared by Freddys side suddenly, although Freddy couldn't recall seeing him move. "You better not be plotting anything, human," he sneered at him, twirling a dagger in his right hand. "Truce or not, I'm sure I could find an excuse to take you down."

He met his eyes calmly. "You know, I find the people who make the loudest threats are usually the ones who are the most unsure of themselves."

"Bu - wha?" His attitude had caught him completely off-guard.

"Look, I really am sorry about smacking you with the bat yesterday. And while I do appreciate you fixing me up, that doesn't mean I'm just going to roll over and let you guys order me around in my own home."
Freddy held his gaze. "Tell you what: you cool it with the death threats, and I'll take you out running with me on Monday morning. Deal?"

"What's... Mon-day?"

"Two days from now."

"I, uh..."

"I would like to accompany you as well," Rhys spoke up. He had completed his ritual, although the wall looked exactly the same as before.

Freddy gave a little laugh. "Sure, why not. We can form a running club. Maybe the other three will want to come along as well?"

"We can discuss it when they come back." Rhys motioned to Leif. "Come: I'll need your assistance for this next part."
"Can I help?" Freddy asked.
"No! Humans can't handle this type of thing" Leif said before Freddy got up and said.

"chto by eto ni bylo stranno v lyubom sluchaye"
(Whatever this whole thing is weird anyway)
Rhys then looked Genuinely Frightened.
"Leif, I think he cursed you." he whispered to him.
"Did you curse me!" Leif said, pointing one of his sickles at the man.
"I will neither confirm nor deny it."


Ava came into the living room, followed by the three Daemos. "Okay, it doesn't look like anything's missing, which is kind of disappointing because then I could have called the cops with a good reason instead of a crazy one." She looked around. "And, speaking of which... where are they?"

At that moment, Rhys and Freddy popped out of the wall next to the fireplace. "Prince Asch, this way," said the former before returning back through.

Noi gasped in excitement. "They set it up!"

Asch nodded. "Good."

One by one, the remaining Daemos walked straight into the wall without a trace.

"Hold up, what?!" Ava was incredulous.

"Ava, come on!" Freddy was surprisingly animated as he grabbed the younger woman by the hand. "You have to see this!" He dragged them both through.

The two humans came out on the other side just as Leif was beginning to speak. "What do you guys think? Rhys bound the room to the wall here. That way, we feel more at home."

Rhys nodded. "It took a bit of my magic, so I must use the rest wisely."

"It's perfect." Asch seemed satisfied.

"This is... really happening!" Ava stuttered, her head beginning to swim. "This is... uh..."

"Ava!" Freddy called out, catching the young woman before she could fall and hit her head on the floor.

"Oh no, not again," Rhys sighed.

"Again?!" Freddy shouted.

Daemos in love (MID Fanic)Where stories live. Discover now