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3rd person
Felix and Zex kept walking. They were pretty drunk, but Zex was sobering up.
"This stuff is fantastic!" Zex yelled. He had never really drunk before.
"You're terrific!" Felix yelled, pushing Zex onto the ground.
He fell on top of him. It started with just hitting Zexs neck.
Then it became a make-out session.
But in the middle, Felix started to cough; then he passed out on top of Zex.

Zexs pov

"Lix?" I groaned out; he's freezing.

I tried to get up, but my body was too weak.

Then I heard two people coming towards us.

It was a man and a woman....but they seemed different.
They picked Felix up, and I got up.
Then I looked at them.....

Then I looked at them

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Are they...Dead?
Wait, according to him...his brother is a healer, so does that mean he is a....neceomancer?
He must have brought these two back to help him.
They started carrying Felix away, to that lords house.

I started running after them.....and I started...crying.

Freddy had toppled over in the house and started puking. Saya grabbed a bucket and was letting him vomit into that.
"What did he eat?" Amelia asked.
"Not much, just some water and some chicken I made earlier," Saya explained.
Rhys looked terrified. He and Freddy had come back from the woods. And not even an hour later, he started vomiting like crazy.

 And not even an hour later, he started vomiting like crazy

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Freddy had stopped, then the door was kicked open.
Then in walked in the two dead Daemos along with Felix.
They set him down onto the ground,
"Lillian? John?" Saya said, surprised. "I thought...you were dead."
Neither of them said anything they just left, with dirt on their clothes and in their hair.
Amelia ran to Felix.
Freddy had stopped puking and limped to his brother.

He whispered his incantation.
His brother's color had returned, and he had warmed up.
Freddy seemed to have cleared up.
Freddy helped his Brother to his feet.
Then Zex ran into the house.
"Is he ok?" He asked.
"He's fine; he's just pretty weak, and who let him start drinking?" Freddy said because he smelled wine on his breath.
"I did," Felix finally spoke.
"You really should wait until your body is brought back entirely, you could have killed your brother!" Rhys yelled at Felix.
"Rhys, I'm fine." Freddy defended him.
"Well, I'm sorry, Freddy," Felix apologized. "And i'm pretty sure fully formed."
"Well, clearly, your not!" Amelia yelled at her brother.
"Don't shout at him!" Freddy yelled before taking his brother to their room.

Freddy's pov
I set Felix onto the bed.
"Here," Felix said, handing me a half-empty wine bottle. "You lost a lot of fluids."
"Felix, you're not thinking right; you're hungover." I said, taking the bottle away and putting it on a nearby table.
Ok, now I'm hungry.

Then the door slammed open.
I looked over, and I saw Zex standing there, faint tears in his eyes.
"Is he ok?" He asked. Upset.
"He's fine; he just needs some rest." I explained.
I handed him the bottle "And keep him away from this"

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