The photo

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Amelia's pov

I looked at the small picture dad Lawrence gave me.

My mother doesn't seem happy; it looks like she's looking at Lawrence, that's probably why she's blushing

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My mother doesn't seem happy; it looks like she's looking at Lawrence, that's probably why she's blushing.
Meanwhile, William is looking at her like a piece of meat.
I walked away from the others. I sat down on the staircase.
I heard footsteps, and it was Lawrence, holding an ice pack to his punched eye.
"Hey, sweet pea," He said. That nickname again.
"Hey, dad....Lawrence whatever," I said, not sure what to call him.
"Well, now may be confusing but, if I could go back and change it, I would, you both turned out amazing, and I wish I could have heard the dad thing sooner, " Lawrence said happily. Then he patted me on the shoulder "I should go if Will sees me he might literally kill me."
I laughed at the joke.
Then he went upstairs. Then I looked at the picture.
I focused on the picture......then.

"Hello, beautiful, " I heard my....stepdad?
I looked away from the picture; he wasn't anywhere.
I looked back to it.
"Hello, beautiful, " I heard my....stepdad?
"Um, hello, " I heard my mother. She sounded uncomfortable.

I was in an unfamiliar place; it looked like the place from the picture.
"Hello, beautiful, " I heard my stepdad.
"Um, hello, " I heard my mother. She sounded uncomfortable.
I looked behind me, and I saw them.
Should I stop him?
"Come on; you know you want-" I interrupted him.
"Leave her alone!" I yelled," Shes not interested, get away from her."
It was an instinct.
He turned to me.
"So? I'm William Babinski; I can have anyone I want!" He yelled back to me. "And I don't have to listen to a woman!"
Then my mother got an angry look on her face, and she shoved him.
He backed into a shelf, and it fell as things fell onto him.
I heard laughter.

Then the world started fading.....

To be continued

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