Freddy's dreams

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Freddy's pov age 15
I was currently being lectured about my hair again.

"Lawrence when he leaves his place he's representing his family," Justin Complained

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"Lawrence when he leaves his place he's representing his family," Justin Complained. "His father doesn't want him to look so......feminine."
"Well, I like the long hair; it makes him look great," Lawrence complimented."And what does his father know?"
Justin just groaned and left the room.
"Mr.Harrison, does Mr.Smidt hate me?" I asked Lawrence almost crying.
"No, he doesn't, " Lawrence said, walking behind me and putting my hair in a ponytail for me. "He's just following orders, besides he cares, but it's harsh love."
Classic Lawrence so optimistic.
I sniffed in sadness.
"Can you sing the song again?" I asked him; he learned the song that Grandmother used to sing to me before......
He started singing.

Tsvetok, blesk i siyaniye
Pust' tvoya sila siyayet

Sdelat' chasy vspyat.'
Verni to, chto kogda-to bylo moim

Istseli chto bylo bol'no
Izmenit' dizayn Sud'by

Sokhranit' to, chto bylo poteryano
Verni to, chto kogda-to bylo moim

Chto kogda-to bylo moim
"Thank you," I said, feeling way better, "Why do my parents not like me having Friends?"
"Well.....they don't want you to be hurt; they don't want you to be influenced by fake friends," Lawrence said sadly.
I've never seen Lawrence sad before; he's usually upbeat.
"Really?" I asked, and he just nodded.

Freddy age 16

I turned around, scared

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I turned around, scared.
"Hey, Mr.Shimdt," I said nervously. "What are you doing?"
"What are YOU doing?!" He shouted at me. "You know you're not allowed outside unless it's for school."
"I know it's just; I want to go to town, maybe.." I trailed off.
"Your father's going to know about this," he scolded me.
"Tell him what you want, I'm still leaving" I turned and then...
"At least there's one Advantage of you having long hair," He called out, grabbing my hair and dragging me away from the door.
"Stop that hurts!!"

Freddy age 18

Dad was a jerk.
I ran to my room and slammed the door.
I started crying, and I started packing.
Then I heard the door open.

Lawrence came in I was worried he would tell my parents

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Lawrence came in I was worried he would tell my parents.
"What are you doing?" he asked me.
"I-I'm leaving," I said, trying to hold in my confidence.
"Let me help." Lawrence said, a smile on his face.
"What? Why?" I asked him.
"I don't think the way your father reacted was the best course of action, so I'll help you." Lawrence said, grabbing some clothes from my dresser and put it in my suitcase.

Lawrence helped me pack.
He took me outside and took me to a bus station.
"Thank you, Lawrence," I said to him, and he pulled something out of his pocket. It was a money clip with at least 500 dollars in it.
"Take this, I 'Borrowed' It from your dad's wallet, " He said, handing me the money.
I started tearing up.
"Thank you." I said, and I hugged him.
His hugs were always so a fathers hug.

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