Ice cream

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"You guys suck!" Ava yelled when she and Freddy came into the living room.

"Excuse me?" Asch murmured dangerously.

"You heard me, your Majesty!" Ava was furious. "It's bad enough you guys are taking over our home, but now I have to imagine sweet little Mrs. Oates like... ugh. And she thinks we're... ugh!"

Freddy snickered, coming to a stop next to the younger woman. "wild sex machines?"

"Don't... speak to me like that." If possible, Asch was growing more threatening by the second. Even Johnny began to notice and growled at him.

"Make me stop, then," Ava challenged, closing the distance to the Daemos prince.

He answered by forming a fireball in his hand.

"HEY!" Freddy moved to step in between the two.

"Your Majesty, stop!" Rhys called out in alarm.

Before anyone could do anything, something crashed into Asch's side, knocking him and Ava apart.

Everyone watched as the little ball of condensed darkness slithered its way over to the bench near the wall of Ava's room.

"What is -?!" Leif exclaimed.

Everyone stared in stunned silence as the shadow ball transformed itself into a fluffy cat-like creature with pastel fur. A lavender ruffle with white stars circled its neck, a white crescent moon on its forehead.

"Another spirit?" Pierce questioned.

Ava looked at it more closely. "That's not a cat I've ever seen."

"Fascinating." Rhys squinted. "This spirit looks more like a spirit on Daemos, while the other looks like a... Ee-urth one."

"Okay, wait. When you say 'spirit', do you mean 'cat' or..."

"A what?"

"A cat. So, for example: Johnny's a cat, and this new cat is a cat."

"What? We call them 'spirits' on Daemos. Usually they bind to someone and act as guardians of a sort, but their uses vary."

"Ooooh, so this adorable wittle kitty cat is a guardian?" Ava made little duck faces, while Johnny stared at his owner in jealousy.
"I prefer dogs myself." Freddy mumbled.
"What was that?" Ava asked.
"I said I prefer dogs, they're loyal, and they're cuter." he said with a smile on his face.
He would own a dog if the building allowed it.
Johnny hissed at him for mentioning it.
"Whats a do-og." Rhys asked, confused.
" It's like a spirit but bigger, with sharper teeth, and sometimes tougher." Freddy said, describing a dog as best he could.
"That sounds fascinating!" Rhys seemed fascinated by the sound of it.
The Daemos prince continued glaring down at the cat / spirit.

"Be nice!" Ava scolded. "Stop giving that cute kitty a mean look, Asch."

Asch looked at her, stunned. " said my name!" He gave a light chuckle. "Never heard a human say my name before..."

"Huh? What does that mean?"

Freddy noticed Rhys look worried all of a sudden. "Uh, um... h-hey!" he stuttered out. "How about since tensions are calm now, you guys go back to figuring out how to put on the human clothes!" Before he could say anything, Freddy interrupted.

"Now, Ava, would you like to help me take this gift to Mrs. Oates grandson?" Freddy asked his roommate.
"Good, but let me change first, can't go out in a towel"
"Can I see how you do it?" Leif called out after her.

Ava answered. "No!"
"Rhys, could you accompany us?" Freddy asked the Daemos.


"Not fair." Pierce was sulking again.

"Yeah!" Noi agreed, pouting.

"Stop acting like children!" Asch whirled around on Freddy. "And you! Don't order my men around!"

"You wanna learn more about Earth, right? Then stop fighting us and let us help you guys. Just trust me, we're not going to fight this anymore. We're just... gonna go along with it."

"yeah," Ava said, walking out of her room.

"Now... the horns..." Freddy said to Rhys


"Humans don't have horns. You're going to have to wear a hat, or... something."

"But... we wore our horns before."

"Yes, but now it looks odd without your world's outfit," Ava piped in. "It really stands out, and if people found out about you guys, you'd be sent to like... Area 51 or something."

"What's that?"

Asch gave a resigned sigh. "We can hide our horns with magic."

Ava was still going on. "If you get sent there, then - Wait... you can?!"

"Yes. We used to hide them when hunting down -"

"Food!" Leif interrupted. "Yes! They would, uh... glow under certain circumstances."

"Really now?" Freddy asked suspiciously.

"Like this: observe." Rhys placed both his hands upon his horns, distracting the man from his thoughts. After a small flash of light, the horns had disappeared from view.
'Wow, he's powerful, definitely my type.'

Ava was suitably impressed. "Wow!"

"Yes, but only Daemos with magic can do it. Which means..." He trailed off, giving Noi a pointed look.

Noi started tearing up. "I can't."

Freddy focused on him as well. "You don't have magic?"

He whimpered. "I used to, but I used it up to get us here."

"Alright then." Ava didn't seem particularly bothered. "Rhys, we're heading out. You guys: try to figure out how to put your clothes on. We out!"
"Yeah, what she said," Freddy announced.

Time skip.
"Why did you have me wait out here." Rhys asked as Freddy and Ava came out of the building.
"Because we didn't want Mrs. Oates, grandson, to think you were my boyfriend." Ava said.
"We could have told him he was mine?" Freddy added, but Ava ignored him.
"Well, it's terrible enough Mrs. Oates thinks we're into...." Ava trailed off.
"Into?" Rhys asked.
"It doesn't matter- *Gasp* Ice cream truck!" She said as we walked down the street and saw an Ice cream truck.
Ava ran up to the truck and pushed a kid down.
"Out of my way, losers!" She shouted.
"Ava, don't push kids down!" Freddy shouted.
Rhys turned to him.
"Does she do this often?" He asked.
"Only if you get between her and food." Freddy said, embarrassed.
Ava then asks the ice cream man.
"Can I get the Derpy bear pop." She asked.
Then she looked at Rhys and Freddy.
"Oh, make that three," And when she said that the ice cream man's eyes lit up.
He then told her it was free to celebrate her friends.
"Oh right money.," She said, taking the pops.
The three sat down at a table, and Rhys was staring at his.
"I noticed something today; you squint a lot, " Freddy said, surprised.
"Somethings are hard for me to make out." Rhys said, examining his pop.
He then took a bite. And his eyes lit up.
And he finished the ice cream.
Freddy was surprised.
"Wow didn't waste any time there did you," Freddy said, shocked at what's he did.
"That was amazing. I've never had anything like it." Rhys said stars in his eyes.
"Your world is dark and gloomy," Ava said, sulking.
"I would love another!" Rhys said happily.
"I-I'll give you mine." Freddy said, handing his ice cream to Rhys. Then he noticed that Ava finished hers.
"We should leave before our apartment burns down, thanks to Asch." Ava said to Freddy.
"He would do that." Rhys said not looking away from his Ice cream.

The humans and Daemos started walking back to the apartment.
"nikogda ne dumal, chto yemu ponravitsya morozhenoye" Freddy said almost laughing
(Never thought he would like ice cream)
Rhys then stopped moving, and Ava and Freddy turned around to see the odd behavior.
"Is something wrong?" Ava asked.
"What did you curse me with?" Rhys whispered to Freddy in fear.
"Oh right, I didn't curse you, Rhys, I just spoke in my family's native language, Russian." Freddy explained," I could teach you if you want?" He asked.
"You want to teach me?" Rhys said, excitedly.
"This will be exciting," Rhys whispered to himself.

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