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"H-heh heh. Heh-heh-heh.. Oh... one, one second." Ava helped Freddy up from his position leaning against the coffee table. "You come with me. Important roommate talk time."

Freddy offered no objection as Ava led him down the hallway. He wobbled slightly, the smaller woman's stature apparently making it hard for him to keep his balance.

"Why is she going to the death room?" Leif sounded worried.

"Perhaps...to make communication." Rhys seemed confused. "Or perhaps to attend to the human males wounds."

"B-b-bu-but what if they alert - ?!"

"Patience, Noi." Rhys silenced the young Daemos. "We need to give them trust before we can earn it ourselves. Especially after what happened earlier." He turned to Pierce. "Was it necessary to hit him into the wall like that?"

To his credit, Pierce looked apologetic. "It was not my intention to harm him."

Ava carefully helped Freddy sit down on the bathmat near the tub, then went over and splashed his own face with cold water.

"Th-this is a dream, right? This is some kind of sexy dream I'm having right now that just is stupidly weird and informative."

"If that's the case...I thank you for letting me in it" Freddy Said with a smile.

"Hey, bad joke." Ava retrieved the hand towel next to the sink. After wetting half of it, she knelt by Freddys's side and put the damp cloth on the mans forehead. "What hurts?"

"You mean besides my sense of self-worth?"

"Fred, this is serious. You could have a concussion." Ava paused. "How're your ribs?"

Freddy groaned as he lifted up the edges of his shirt. "You tell me. I can't look down right now without feeling like I'm gonna keel over."

Ava let out a soft gasp.

"That bad, huh?"

"They're pretty bruised up, but it doesn't look like anything's poking out weird." Ava gently ghosted her fingers over where the bruising seemed a little heavier. "Doesn't feel like anything's broken."

Freddy hissed out a groan. "... fantastic..."

"Sorry!" Ava carefully lowered Freddy's shirt again. "Just... try to relax. I'll think of something." She turned away, muttering softly to herself. "Okayokayokay. Think smart, Ava. We are outnumbered here." She patted down her pockets. "... aand my phone has gone off somewhere. Those guys probably took it. Wait!" She turned back to Freddy. "Your phone! We can use your phone to -"

"... in my room." He cracked one eye open. "It's probably dead by now, though. It wasn't plugged in when your new 'friends' came to visit."

Ava let out a curse under her breath, getting up to pace. "Okay, so... there's no way they're actual real demons, right? Yeah! They're probably just some optical illusion on us or something. Maybe on drones...? Wait... I've got it!" She knelt back down by Freddy. "What if we just ditched them?"

"... and how do you plan on doing that?"

"By luring them outside. Honestly, they seem kind of dumb. If I can convince them to follow me to a place where there's lots of people, maybe even some cops, then - "

"Oh, or maybe the Scp foundation?"

"Nows not the time for sarcasm."

"But seriously I don't think I can take another hit like before." Freddy began to stand up, the towel falling from his forehead. "But if you're sure..."

"Whoa!" Ava carefully grabbed his arm, helping the man sit on the edge of the bathtub. "You're staying right here: you can barely stand up! There's no way you'll be able to walk all the way to City Hall."

"I can't let you go alone!" Freddy tried to stand again, but his legs wouldn't cooperate. He leaned heavily on Ava's shoulder, waiting for the world to stop spinning. "Ava, please... don't do this. It's not... safe."

"It'll be fine. I don't think they're dumb enough to do anything super obvious out in public. Especially if I can get them near a cop or two." Ava helped Freddy back down to the floor. "The sooner I get them out of here, the sooner we can get you to an emergency room." She smiled, trying to lighten the mood. "And hey, I can probably get one of them to carry you over to the couch so you'll be more comfortable."

"That's... not really what I'm... worried about, though..."

"Trust me. Everything will be okay." Ava spun around and marched to the door, opening it to reveal all five demons standing there in a semi-circle. "Okay. I can help you guys."

"You can?" The hot dark-blue one (was his name Rhys?) seemed hopeful.

"I can! In fact, I know the perfect people who can help you!"

"Other...humans?" The one called Pierce sounded apprehensive.

"Should we trust this?!" Leif gave Rhys a disbelieving look.

"Anything to help us is greatly appreciated," the latter answered.

"Under one condition: first, you have to get my friend over to the couch."


"The cushion-y thing you had him lying on earlier, before he woke up. You guys hit him pretty hard and he can't make it back over by herself."

Asch snorted angrily. "Who do you think you are giving orders t-"

"Okay." Pierce entered the bathroom, emerging soon with Freddy aloft bridal-style in his arms. He had his hands positioned in such a way as to not further aggravate his possibly damaged ribs, Freddy leaning his head into the crook of his neck as another wave of dizziness hit him.

Ava led him to the couch, supervising as he gently laid the injured man down. She bent in close to whisper in her ear. "Don't worry. I'll ditch them in no time and be back before you know it."

"... don't... go..." Freddy pawed weakly at Ava's arm.

"Shhh. Just get some rest. I've got this." Standing, she turned to Pierce. "Okay. Let's go back to the others and get you guys taken care of."

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