The opera house

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Freddy had been confused about the new Tv, Mrs.Oates gave him and Ava.

"Why would she give us this?" He asked her.
"I don't know, but she was very persistent, " Ava explained.
"I guess her grandson didn't want it," Freddy muttered under his breath.

Leif had been watching some crime show. It was an old one.
Freddy had walked by, and he saw the show on.
"Is this Ace Attorney?" He asked. It was his favorite show.
"That's what this is called?" Leif asked himself. "I just watch it for the murders."
"Of course you do," Freddy muttered. "So what's happening," he asked, sitting down next to Leif already knowing the answer.
"I don't know."

Midway through the episode, Leif asked something.
"Rhys told me that you and the kings were discussing something, " Leif asked, confused."You tried to mention some woman, but they both yelled at you to not, who was this woman?"
'Great Rhys told him,' Freddy thought. 'I hope that's all he told him'
"I'll let you know, but if Ava asks you, don't tell her, I told you, clear?" He wondered, and Leif nodded slightly bored.

Freddy's pov
It was last year, during a showing of el forca dele Destino.
Andrew and Devon had brought me, Ava, and their friend Esme squalor.
She had been on edge recently; she brought a tea set for comfort.

I had brought a briefcase because I had to come directly from work.

Andrews's father had made a speech after the first intermission. He made it, and it had ended within ten minutes.
"Ava, can we talk in private?" I told her, and we both walked out of the closed box.
I had taken my briefcase with me.
Then before we could talk, we heard Esme scream.
We ran out the door and ran up to us, and yelled
something flew between Ava and me.

We ran out the door and ran up to us, and yelled"THIEVES!"something flew between Ava and me

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" It's the seasons best weapon; I smuggled a box in." She yelled.
"What is going on out here?!" Devon and running out of the box with Andrew.
"Are you throwing knives at my daughter?" Andrew shouted. "She's your friend!"

"Friends don't steal sugar bowls," she muttered under her breath.
"What?!" I shouted, confused. Neither of us stile anything from her.
Then.....Andrews's dad came out from a door between us.

Then one of her knives went right through the side of his throat

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Then one of her knives went right through the side of his throat.
He turned his head to us. Then to Esme and Ava's dads.
"Andrew" He said before.

Andrews's mouth was open wide, and his eyes full of tears

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Andrews's mouth was open wide, and his eyes full of tears.
His eyes filled with anger and he shouted at Esme

3rd person
The present.
"And that's what happened" Freddy finished his story.
Leif was excited.
"So this female human murdered a member of the royal family?" he asked stars in his eyes. "Where can I meet this female!"
" It's kind of impossible to do that." Freddy explained," Unless you want someone here to kill you to meet her."

"So, this female is dead?" He asked, somewhat disappointed.
"Yeah." Freddy simply said," And also, you should keep an eye on Asch."
"Why?" Leif asked.
"Because he's been acting strange, " Freddy muttered "He's been angry, yelling at people for no reason,"
"So, he's himself?" Leif asked, but then he starts laughing.
"Well, I'm just warning you, for some reason he's been getting angrier. I just want you to protect Noi, " Freddy explained," He's the weakest here, and Asch could use that to take his anger off on him."

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