The dream

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Rhys  pov
I don't know what to say.......
The spell pool glowed when Freddy was singing.
My Russian is still horrible, but I recognized the words, flower, hurt, and Time.
"Why is everyone staring at me?" Freddy asked. Does he not know about this particular spell.
"The Hot tub glowed," Ava said the same amount of startled as me.
"It glowed?" Freddy seemed confused.
"Was that an incantation?" Peirce implied.
"Are you sure it glowed?" Freddy asked.
"Freddy, it glowed, was it a spell?" I asked. He never used his magic in front of us; he never spoke about it.
"Not that I'm aware of," Freddy exclaimed,

Time skip.

I was asleep; I knew that, but something felt wrong.
I was in a black void, nothing around me.
"I am going to tell you a story, " A male voice announced from almost everywhere, "One that takes place in a kingdom far away from here."
Suddenly a yellow orb fell from the sky.
"The story begins when a single piece of sun, descended from the heavens, " The sphere it the ground and I was suddenly in a vast forest.
"And where the Piece of sun landed, a single flower bloomed" The voice spoke, and a flower appeared where the sun fell.
"Then one day, an old man came across the flower" Then a male human appeared and walked towards the flower. "And he discovered a special property within the flower, he be young forever, if he sung a special song"
Tsvetok, blesk i siyaniye
Pust' tvoya sila siyayet

Sdelat' chasy vspyat.'
Verni to, chto kogda-to bylo moim
Istseli chto bylo bol'no
Izmenit' dizayn Sud'by

Sokhranit' to, chto bylo poteryano

Sokhranit' to, chto bylo poteryano

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The flower started glowing.

Wait! That is the same thing Freddy sang when the spell pool glowed

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Wait! That is the same thing Freddy sang when the spell pool glowed.
"And instead of sharing the gift, he kept it to himself to live for decades." The scene suddenly changed into what seemed like a palace bedroom.
And I looked behind me.

"But then, his daughter, the Queen of the land, was pregnant but became very ill

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"But then, his daughter, the Queen of the land, was pregnant but became very ill." the voice explained," And no one knew what the sickness had within it."
"So the king sent his best knights to find anything that could cure his wife."
The woods replaced the palace, and I saw multiple human knights along with the man.
"The old man gave the knights directions to the flower, but it turns out bandits found the flower before them, the knights fought the bandits, but they and the bandits died, the old man survived and took the flower" The scene became a dark room. "He used the flower to make a potion that would cure his daughter."
The palace replaced the dark room.

"The queen drank the potion, and she recovered, but soon the old man died, " The voice paused

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"The queen drank the potion, and she recovered, but soon the old man died, " The voice paused. "But then the Queen gave birth to a baby boy; a prince was born."

"Years past and everyone forgot the old man, " The voice trailed off

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"Years past and everyone forgot the old man, " The voice trailed off. "Except the mother of the queen, who sang the songs her husband sang to the flower to the future king"

"But When the prince was 19, he revealed something, that his family didn't approve of" The palace stayed the same, but I saw the king and queen, older but the same, and there was another person, one that seemed familiar.
"His parents wanted to 'fix' him, but the prince didn't want to be fixed," The voice said as the prince shouted something and ran out of the room.
The Queen was about to run after him, but the king stopped her.
"The Queen convinced the king to talk to the prince, but in the morning when he went to, he was already gone" The voice did start to sound sad "He ran off that night, leaving only a note.
The king came into the room, crying.
The Queen read the note. And she started crying
"The King and queen learned that the prince had gone to another kingdom, a much larger kingdom," The voice explained, "The prince had been accepted to a prestigious academy but never told his mother and father."
"The King and queen found their son, they contacted him, and he told them he had forgiven them, but he will not come home." The voice stopped, and the black nothingness returned.

"That prince's name was Freddy."

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