Freddy's sick

559 14 1

3rd person
As Freddy was getting the water, he started coughing violently.
He dropped the bottle and ran to the bathroom.
He didn't make it to the toilet, and he puked in the sink.
It came out only liquid.
"Oh god," Freddy called out, holding his stomach and sitting on the floor his back against the sink.
He got up and tried to leave, but he puked again, this time in the hamper.
He puked on the floor once and passed out.

Rhys heard the noise and went to investigate.
He opened the door and found it.

"Freddy!" Rhys shouted and ran to the man's side

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"Freddy!" Rhys shouted and ran to the man's side.
He was still alive but unconscious, Rhys didn't know what the stuff on the floor was, but he knew it wasn't in there last time.
He picked up Freddy bridal style and carried him out.
He ran into Noi and Asch, who were both very surprised, well Noi was surprised; Asch looked happy.
"Somethings wrong with him!!" Rhys shouted, almost crying.
"Good," Asch grumbled.
"Oh, no!" Noi shouted. "What do we do?!" He shouted, freaking out.
"I have an idea." Rhys suggested.

The daemos put on their human clothes and hid their horns.
Rhys had put Freddy on his bed,
He kneeled to the bed facing Freddy. He was still unconscious.
"Dont worry, Prince Freddy; I'll help you, no matter what." He whispered to Freddy. He got up from the floor and kissed Freddy on the forehead.


Mrs. Oates shuffled towards her apartment door as the doorbell gave off a nonstop chime. "I'm coming; I'm coming! Sheesh!" she muttered under her breath. She gave a small, surprised gasp when she opened the door. "Oh, my! Well, hello... "

Rhys and Pierce stood before her, their horns safely hidden from view. "Mrs. Oates, we need your help," the former began.

"Oh look, if I was forty years younger, I'd be happy to take Ava's or Fred's place but... well, I'm just delighted listening - "

"Ava and Freddy are sick." Pierce interrupted softly but determinedly.

Mrs.Oates had checked on Ava and left.
The older woman smiled softly at the remaining Daemos as Pierce went into Ava's bathroom. "I'm going to teach you, boys, how to take care of the sick properly. But first, I need to check on Freddy."
She and Rhys went to Freddys room.

Freddy was heavily breathing, he was awake but in pain.
He groaned as the door opened.
"Freddy, I got help." Rhys muttered.
"What happened to him?" Mrs. Oates asked.
"I don't know; I found him unconscious on the floor with this stuff on the floor." Rhys told her.
His eyes started filling with tears.
'I hope she can help him,' Rhys thought.
Mrs.Oates took his temperature, 103
"Not as bad from Avas but he still looks terrible, where did you find him?" She asked, and Rhys pointed her to the bathroom.
"R-Rhys," Freddy muttered.
"You're awake!!" Rhys shouted happily.
"Please....don't shout." Freddy muttered out.
Rhys looked around Freddys room and on a nightstand found a small picture.

Rhys looked around Freddys room and on a nightstand found a small picture

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