The incident

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3rd person
Ashton, Felix, and Saya started walling towards the wood's spell pool.
They kept walking, and as they did, Felix kept getting this dark feeling, like something terrible was going to happen.
Like Deja vu of the future.
Saya knew the area very well; she knew that there were sacrifices there. But many years ago.
They got down as they heard voices. It was Rahl and Bish.
"Ok, now, we need someone to distract her while I get the others." Ashton spoke softly. "Felix, stop breathing down my neck."
Felix jumped a little.
"Hey, before we go, where did you get that Scythe?" Felix asked.
"I found it in Sayas room." Ashton did, and Saya looked angry.
"We'll discuss this later." Saya muttered in anger.
Then Saya and Felix walked backward and hid behind a rock.

Saya pov
"Ok, so what do we do?" Felix asked.
"Well, how about you do that rasing dead thing? It could distract her," I suggested.
"Well, I guess I could, but remember they can only be here for about ten minutes like last time" Felix mentioned "And if things go wrong, here have this"
Felix handed me a small piece of paper.
I opened it up inside it said.
'Hades Dim, your light, hear my fatal, spur the sands of time, and set the spirit free, so wither and Decay, end this destiny.'
"Its a death spell, when I was living through Freddys life, I heard this when Grandma sang, but to him, it was a healing one," Felix explained.
"Good," I muttered. I hope I won't have to use it.
Then Felix starts muttering something, and a few minutes later.

I screamed a little; it's been a while since I've seen John and Lillian

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I screamed a little; it's been a while since I've seen John and Lillian. It looks like they just crawled out of the ground.
I tried talking to them last time they were there, but they didn't remember their lives.
It's like they....they're souls have gone. I looked over to the area where Ashton was, and It looks like he got the others.
"Follow me." Felix whispered to them. And he ran over to Bish and Rahl.

Felix's pov
"Hey!" I yelled at Bish. Right timing, it looks like she got a portal started.
She turned to me.
"Oh, it's you, the one that tried to poison me," Bish muttered.
"Yeah, but on accident, I didn't use poison; on the bright side, there's a bigger chance you can have a child," I announced.
As we were talking, I saw the others, including my brother sneaking behind her.
I ordered Lillian to attack Bish. She obeyed.
She threw herself at her, she knocked her down, but she saw the others.

3rd person(It gets hectic, but please follow)

As soon as Bish saw the others sneaking Past.
"Rahl, attack them!" She yelled.
Her husband then charged quickly at Ashton.
Ashton ducked the attack, and Rahl ran into a wall.
Then Bish threw Lillian off of her.
Seeing this, Felix then.
"John Attack!" Felix yelled. Then John ran to her with some daggers he had.
But she charged up a small lightning bolt and shot it towards Leif.

"No!" Noi shouted, stepping in front of him and taking it in the chest.
He fell backward into Leif arms, unconscious.
"Noi! No!" Leif yelled.
Ashton got up and charged at Bish, but his hair was pulled back by Rahl.
He turned around and punched Rahl right in his face.

Freddy was hiding behind Rhys.
Then Saya flew in. Her new wings we're somewhat weak, but she could still fly to the group.
She landed in front of Bish, and when she did, the portal opened up.
"Move!" She yelled.
The others ran into the portal, but Rahl got out of his mind control.
He got up; he was in pain.

Bish grabbed Sayas hair and pulled her back.
Rahl was scared for his crush and his wife.
He tried to stop them, but he couldn't move much or speak very loudly.

She was pulled into the pool. But then Saya got the upper hand.
"Hades Dim your light, here my fatal plea, spur the sands of time, so wither and decay and end this destiny!" Saya chanted while holding Bish.
As she did, the spell pools water became pure black.
In Bish's struggles, she clawed Saya's right arm.
Her body started becoming the same black as the water.
But since Saya had a cut in the water, the same happened to her.
We kept chanting it. And as she did, both Saya and Bish collapsed.

The water somewhat cleared up.
Rahl and was scared, he limped over towards the pool.
But instead of his wife of two years, he grabbed saya, the black water not affecting him.
As he did, his soul mark became pitch black.
He started crying his dark eyes out.
But as she laid there, a small blue light surrounded her.
It was made up of pure magic.

It was made up of pure magic

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The light spread around him....and everywhere else.
But Rahl didn't pay attention to that.
He paid attention to the small locket around Saya's neck.
She never mentioned it. He barely even looked at it. He always thought he lost it; it's his mothers.
Then he remembered when he gave it up

It was about three years prior; he was leading an attack. And there was a small healing station in the village of Blossom.
He had run through the village, chasing an enemy soldier.
He followed him into a house.
He ran through the broken door.
Then he saw a woman with silver hair holding down the soldier.
He was impressed with her. And how she killed him also helped.
They just stared at each other.

During Rahl's life, he lost many things, his mother, his father's respect, and now the love of his life.
But something else he lost was his privacy, so instead of telling you what happened between Saya and Rahl on that dark day, I will leave what happened to your imagination, so that Rahl can keep this one thing to himself.

The portal to Earth closed as quickly as it opened.
They had seen the last few events unfold.
They were in the secret room inside of Ava and Freddys apartment. Felix was the last one in the room looking at the wall they came out of.
Felix walked out of the room and into the living room, Leif was healing Noi, the others were just sitting there.
Terrifed looks on their faces.
The awkward silence was interrupted by Freddys phone which he left on the coffee table starting to ring.

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