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Freddy's pov

Ava was talking to her dads after the deamos carried them outside the door.

I heard footsteps. THEY WERE COMING INSIDE!
"Hide," I muttered, and the Daemos ran to their little room thing.
I ran to the kitchen and grabbed a bag of chips.
I pretended to look casual as they came in
"Where are the-" Devon interrupted himself by the empty room.
"Wheres, who?" I asked, eating some of the chips.
Andrew then came out behind his husband.
"Oh, hey Freddy, shouldn't you be at work?" Andrew asked suspiciously.
"They found Asbestos in the walls," I said, and he calmed down.
Ava came out of the hallway after them, and she looked nervous.
"See no one's here, but us-" She was interrupted by Noi and Rhys popping out from behind the couch.
"Freddy, Noi broke the camera." Rhys said calmly.
I spit out my chips

"I KNEW IT!" Devin yelled and ran up to me. He started shaking me "WHO ARE THEY!"
'Freddy, think of something!'
"The one in the blue is my boyfriend, the one in orange is Avas," I said, trying to stay calm.
Devon's eyes lit up. And he let go of me.

Devon gasped in delighted awe. "My baby has a...!"

"Pumpkin... " Andrew broke out in a wide grin. "Why didn't you tell us sooner?!"
"I-uh," Ava didn't know what to say. She had a huge blush on her face.

I looked over to Rhys, and he looked confused.
Noi and Rhys came over to an excited Devon and Andrew.
They both looked at Noi. They were ignoring Rhys.

"Well, when were you going to introduce us?" He laughed easily, holding out his hand. "I'm Andrew. Nice to meet you."

"And I'm Devon! We're Ava's parents."

"You... both?" Noi stared in confusion at the two men.

"Uh, yes... " Andrew lowered his hand, his earlier laugh sounding a bit uncomfortable.

"I have two dads, Noi."

"Really? How is that... is that why you're so strong?" Noi seemed surprised? Two male couples must be new to him.

"Darling, he thinks we raised a strong baby!" Devon shouted, proud of himself.

"Well, it looks like my husband's taken a liking to you," Andrew chuckled.

Noi gasped happily. "Ava, your parents like me! But do they fear me?" He whispered under his breath.
I focused on Rhys, and he seemed fascinated.
And a small bit flustered. I didn't really pay any attention to anything else.
Ava nervously laughed.
"Hey, how about we go out and get some pizza?" Andrew suggested, and I got ecstatic.
"I'm in." I shouted, and Rhys jumped a little.
Then I heard Barking coming from my room.
"Wait a minute." I said and ran to my room and opened the door.
Mikey ran out and up to Rhys.
He hopped on and started panting.
Rhys looked scared.
"What does it want?" He muttered.
"Just pet him, he'll calm down," I said as I noticed Ava Noi and her dads we're leaving.
"Hey wait for us!"

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