Caught in the act

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Freddy's pov
I couldn't see that well; I didn't put my glasses on. I turned around; all I saw were five blurs.
"Rhys, can you get me my glasses? I can't see," I asked, and I felt my glasses in my hand.
"Thanks," I put them on, crap the Daemos. And Ava was being carried by Noi.
'Please change the subject.'
"THEY KILLED AVA!" Noi screeched out.

"Killed?!" Rhys and I shouted.
Please, to whatever god or monster runs this universe, please let what he said distract them from this.
"What. Is going on?" Rhys's voice was deadly calm as he glared at them.
"Did you guys?" I asked, hiding behind Rhys, scared about what they did.
"YOU ACTUALLY KILLED HER?!" Rhys ran over to Noi, taking Ava's body and laying her on my Bed.

"Rhys, do something!" the smallest Daemos cried out, following close behind.

"Hold on!" he replied as he began to examine her.
I ran up to my roommate for three years. I put my hand on her forearm. I could feel a heartbeat, a pretty fast one.
"She's alive, you idiots!" Rhys interrupted, straightening up.

"She is?!" came a chorus of stunned outbursts from the other four Daemos.
Ava let out a few weak sniffles, her eyes still firmly closed.
I breathed a sigh of relief.
"She's alive!" Noi cried happily.
"She has a steady pulse, but... her body is incredibly hot." Rhys turned to Pierce. "What happened?"

"I decided to sit outside of the spell pool since Princess Ava insisted she remain. I waited until Leif came in - "

"LEIF!" I shouted at the guy in Green.

"I didn't kill her! I looked at her, and she had that look on her face like somebody else killed her.

"Wh-what if it was the spell pool?" Noi sniffed, looking at Ava worried.

"It's... entirely possible the spell pool had an effect on her." Rhys looked around the room again. "Wait...Freddy!" Rhys shouted with Stars in his blue eyes.
"What?" I said, confused. "What do you expect me to do?"
"What was that spell you used in the spell pool." Rhys asked," It could help."
"If I knew what it was, I would tell you; it's the first time it has happened to me.
"What happened in the spell pool?" Noi asked.
"I'll tell you later," I told him.

"Be that as it may, how do we go about helping Ava?" Rhys asked

"Place her to rest on her bed," Asch commanded calmly.

Rhys faced him. "Do you think that will work?"

"If there's one thing I'm positive Daemos and humans share, it's rest. The effects will most likely wear off from her come morning."

"Wow, Asch actually said something smart for once," I jabbed.
"Agreed," Rhys murmured to me.
'Good news and bad news, bad news they caught Rhys and me kissing, and Ava is sick, good news, They're distracted by Ava being sick, so they can't react so badly.

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