Kingdom and Another

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Rhys pov
I hope....i hope it worked.
I took a deep breath in...
What did Freddy call this feeling? Nostalgia. That's it.
I missed Daemos.
I stood up.

Zex rose as well, eye-widening as he took in those present. "What the - ?! Where did they go?!"

"What the crap was that?!" Leif cried out, equally confused.

Noi looked around as if in a daze. "W-we're...back on Daemos..."

Catching sight of Zex nearby, the former assassin drew his knives angrily. "What did you do?!" he shouted, phasing over and holding his knives against Zex's throat.

The assassin spirit phased away, reappearing in the branches of a nearby tree. "The humans must have reacted differently to the teleportation." He closed his eyes, sniffing the air experimentally. "Their existence is on our astral plane." Zex gave the group another toothy grin. "They'll be mine." He phased away before they could respond, leaving us alone in the forest.

"Bastard!" Asch shouted after him, glaring into the darkness.

I shook my head. "Let him look."

"Huh?! But we need to find them!" Noi cried. "Especially Freddy and his sister! They - "

I interrupted. "Of course. Ava Freddy and Amelia are our priority. However, they will be safe on Daemos as long as mine and Pierce's magic last."

Leif looked at him in confusion. "What do you mean?"

"Ava and Freddy are smart. Let's just hope they're calm about the situation." I sighed. "As long as they can lie, and Amelia follows them, they will be safe. Let's just hope we find them before anyone else does.
"So, which way? Haven't been here for a while?" Leif said, a sheepish look on his face.
"Leif, it's obvious, we go....that way!" I said, pointing to the north.
The area looks like where we found the soul—or well caught it.
We started walking then I noticed.
Freddy told me that I had a soul mark; it's on my palm of my right hand. It resembles a scale. The Libra sign is what Freddy told me.
As I was thinking of started to glow. But the glow was becoming thinner as we walked.
"No!" I shouted.
The others just stared at me.
I started spinning, and then it glowed the most towards the west.
"This way," I announced. The others just stood there, confused.
Asch then looked down at his..the clock.
His eyes widened then he started running to the west.

Freddy's pov

I opened my eyes. I was lying on my stomach on a bed I've never seen before.
I got up, Groaning as I did.
Then I heard the door open.
Then a woman came in.
"Hello, I see you are awake." She said.
She has wolf ears and a cat tail. She had a small collar around her neck.
"W-who are you where am I?!" I said, freaking out. What's going on!?
"Well, I am Saya, and I am the Lord of the village of Blossom," She said calmly. "And you are?"
"My name is Freddy, and my sister, ok?" I asked.
"Which female is your sister?" Saya asked.
"The one in the blue, I need to see if she's ok," I said, trying to get up.
But my pain stopping me got me back to bed.
"Wow, so exciting, I've never met a deamos with wings," Saya said, excitedly. Daemos? Wings?

"I don't know what?" Then I felt them

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"I don't know what?" Then I felt them.
They were on my back, which explains the pain.
"Mirror," I muttered.
"What?" Saya asked.
"GET A MIRROR!" I yelled out of curiosity and fear. She looked scared, and she grabbed my hand and carried me by her shoulder, to a full-length mirror.
I saw them; they were a greenish color, and at the edge was white.
And....i had horns the same color as the wings
I started a child.
I limped over to the bed and curled up.
"I'll go check on the females," Saya announced, leaving the room.

????? Pov
I was in the bedroom with my brother; I was in the air his bed; he was crying into a single pillow.

I tried to stop myself from crying if I could cry

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I tried to stop myself from crying if I could cry. I was never born, so I guess I couldn't cry even if I wanted to.
It's only been a few hours since I had actually been here, like actually here. I was always there but never there.... it's hard to explain. Like I know what Happened to Freddy during his life, but I couldn't imagine me being in it.
I guess I'm finally here entirely thanks to....whatever Rhys did. And I thank him for that.
And I know my name, thanks to Rhys and Freddys's


I flew away from the room, knowing not to go too far because that causes me pain. And probably pain for Freddy.
I flew into the next room the room Amelia is in.
She can't see me. I wish she could.
Saya walked into the room, holding a glass of water.
"You needed some water," She said calmly, coming over to my sister.
"Thanks," She said, taking the water. "How's my brother?"
"Currently crying, never seen a male so open about his emotions, Also, how did you know I just saw your brother?" She asked Amelia.
"Oh, I can read your mind," Amelia said jokingly,
Saya gasped.
"I'm not; it's just I heard you through the walls," Amelia calmed her down.
"did he always have wings?" Saya asked.
"No, he didn't, and we probably wouldn't be in this situation because of me," She muttered.
"What do you mean?" Saya asked.
"I'd rather not talk about it," Amelia muttered," How's Ava, the other girl?"
"She still hasn't woken up." Saya called out.

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