The secret date

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Freddy and Rhys were on a date.
They were going to a nearby cafe that Freddy liked to frequent.
"You will love the food there; it's homemade, and the music they play reminds people of a better time."
"You speak of this place so highly, are you sure we're allowed there?"  Rhys said, worrying, he thought that maybe only royalty we're allowed.
"Yes, they accept everyone, mainly...." Freddy then saw something, and he pulled Rhys behind a large bush.
"What are you doing?" Rhys asked, confused, but Freddy shushed him.
"Stay quiet," He whispered.

"Stay quiet," He whispered

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"Why?" Rhys asked, already knowing the answer

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"Why?" Rhys asked, already knowing the answer.
"I don't want to talk about it," He muttered, and he looked over the bush his parents were gone.
" Let's go," Freddy announced, and he grabbed Rhys's hand.
He dragged him to an old looking building, and they walked inside.

It was almost empty except for a few people and a man behind the counter

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It was almost empty except for a few people and a man behind the counter.
Freddy took Rhys to the purple couch and sat him there.
"Stay here, I'll get some food," He said and walked to the counter.

Freddy came back with a cookie for both of them a small coffee for him and a milkshake for Rhys.
"Here, it's ice cream you can drink." He explained to Rhys. His eyes lit up and took it with glee. Freddy joined Rhys on the couch.
Then two people walked in, and they saw Freddy and Rhys.

"Rhys, Freddy!," Devon called into the small cafe.
"Devon, dont embarrass them." Andrew groaned.
He ignored him and ran to the two on the couch and sat on one of the stools. Andrew soon joined them.
"What are you two doing here?" Devon asked happily.
"Were on a date, I came here after avoid-" Freddy interrupted himself when he saw Rhys drinking his milkshake a little fast

"Don't you'll get a-" He was interrupted by Rhys screaming in pain, dropping the plastic cup.
"Brain freeze," Freddy said, laughing a little as Rhys rubbed his temples.
"Hey, if it's not a wrong time, but I wanted to ask about Asch," Andrew Asks.
"Yeah, he was a the last time we saw him." Devon continued
"off? What do you mean?" Rhys asked, confused, getting out of his ice cream headache.
"Like he was angry at one of you, " Andrew explained," He was shooting glares at you two when you weren't looking."
"Well, I guess you could say him, and Asch might have some history." Freddy exclaimed. "And he's been that way since I met him; maybe he just confused that one of his friends is, you know."
Freddy trailed off.
Devon and Andrew got what he meant. But Rhys was confused.
"I mean he seems a bit on edge I wouldn't want another Esme-" Freddy was interrupted by Andrew shouting.
"DON'T SAY HER NAME!" He shouted, drawing the attention of the few people in the cafe.
"But I was just" he said but Devon shushed him.
"Could I at least write it down, so Rhys knows what we are talking about."
Andrew nodded, and Freddy wrote down the name on a napkin and handed it to Rhys.

"I still think it's stupid you freak out every time someone mentions Es" Freddy was interrupted by Andrew groaning in anger and running to the bathroom, devon gave Freddy a disappointed look and followed him

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"I still think it's stupid you freak out every time someone mentions Es" Freddy was interrupted by Andrew groaning in anger and running to the bathroom, devon gave Freddy a disappointed look and followed him.

Rhys pov
'Who is this Esme they keep mentioning? Did she do something?'

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