The confession

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3rd person.

Rhys was dressed in his human attire, glasses included, but he kept his horns out. He got up early and started reading one of the books Freddy gave him.

In the book, a character was confessing his love for another character, but it was too late, and that person loved someone else.

"He lost her," Rhys muttered to himself.
'I can't risk losing him.'
Rhys waited until the hour where he knew Freddy would be awake.
He heard noises in his room.
He opened the door and walked in.

Rhys never saw Freddy with his hair down

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Rhys never saw Freddy with his hair down. Rhys liked it.
"Come in," Freddy said, smiling.
Rhys sat across from Freddy, Mikey, between them; he was cuddling into Freddy.
Rhys was about to say something
"Rhys, I have something I have to ask," Freddy paused," Asch told me that you'd grown a liking to me, whys that?"
Rhys took a deep breath.
"That's why I'm in here now, " Rhys paused "When I first saw you, I felt something in my chest, something I never felt before, something warm and fuzzy, like the dog here" Rhys smiled warmly. "This whole time, I've punished myself mentally because I knew the relationship would never be accepted, but then I saw Ava's dads, two kings that rule over all, and everyone accepts them, so I realized that we could be together." Rhys kept a brave face.
"And I have to say this before I lose the chance, and you forever, Freddy..." Rhys moved closer to Freddy.

"And please, I hope that you love me too-"

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"And please, I hope that you love me too-"

Freddy broke the kiss to meet a confused Rhys

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Freddy broke the kiss to meet a confused Rhys.
"What....was......that?" He whispered.
"Its called a kiss, Rhys" Freddy laughed at his behavior.
"Can.....we do it again?" Rhys said, a big blush on his face.
"Oh course big guy" Freddy teases and kisses him again.

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