The movie

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Freddy's pov
I had just finished reading a book, and I heard arguing outside my door.
I walked out to see the Daemos arguing standing around Ava.
Rhys was calling them idiots in Russian.
I laughed at this, and I heard a knock on the door.

I walked to the door and opened it.
"Hey, Freddy Teddy!" Lorelai called when I opened the door.
I slammed the door in her face.
'Jake, me and Ava have a list of people we don't allow in our apartment, Lorelai and my parents, and that's a concise list.

She knocked on the door again—harder this time.

I opened it again.
"Rude," She scoffed, and she pushed past me into the apartment.
I chased her into the living room to see Ava facing her.

"Oh, hey, it's you guys!" Lorelai took the opportunity to study each Daemos more closely. "I didn't realize you guys liked to wear your cosplay horns so much!" A wicked grin spread over her face. "Or was it for something else?"

Ava blushed brightly, probably worrying about the woman spreading rumors about us. "Uh, n-n-no! They were just... trying them on!" She let out a sound somewhere between a laugh and a sob.

"Okay, well, let's get going to the movies! Freddy, I'm going to treat you and Ava to a fun time out." She paused, her expression dropping. "Unless you have work? Ava said you have work today... "

"What? No, I don't, the buildings being renovated, so I got some time off." I corrected her. Then I looked at Ava, and she was Making the cut it out gesture.
"Oh, I get it now," I muttered.

"Moo-vies?" Leif interrupted his face a mask of confusion.

"N-n-nothing. Nothing!" Ava stuttered out her reply. Between the reveal of my open schedule and the possibility of leaving all five Daemos unattended for several hours, the shorter woman was a nervous wreck.

Asch broke in. "What is this... 'movies'?"

"Don't ask!" Ava shouted.

"Have you guys never been to a movie?" Lorelai stared at them in open disbelief.

Time skip. 3rd person
Because I'm tired.

Ava, Freddy, and Lorelai stood in front of the posters, studying the movies currently playing. The Daemos were all gathered in a group off to the right, staring at more of the posters themselves.

Freddy's eyes lit up.
"They came out with a remake of the Pleasantville movie," Freddy called. He was a massive fan of the original, so he was excited.
"Is that really the right choice for a date?" Lorelai asked.
Freddy gave her a death stare.
He walked over to Rhys.
"Hey, I found the movie you and I could watch," He said a happy look on his face.
"Just the two of us?" He asked. "what about the others?"

"Besides, Lorelai will choose some stupid cheesy one," Freddy explained

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"Besides, Lorelai will choose some stupid cheesy one," Freddy explained.

"Besides, Lorelai will choose some stupid cheesy one," Freddy explained

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They both separated from the group and got popcorn for the movie.

In the other theater with Asch.

Asch wanted to follow Freddy and Rhys, but he couldn't get a ticket. So he had to join the others.
He still wanted to marry Ava, but he Jealous of Freddy and worried about Rhys.
In private, he overheard Rhys talking to himself; he was discussing the pros and cons of staying on earth and going back to deamos.
Staying on earth had more pros.

During the movie, Acsh hadn't been paying attention, but when he heard that someone was going to be killed, his focus was fixed.

But then someone walked down the aisle in front of him, blocking the screen.
"Hey, get out your blocking it!" He shouted
The man became angry and stayed still to piss him off.
When he finally moved the scene, Asch was hoping for was already over.

When he finally moved the scene, Asch was hoping for was already over

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