A man never tells

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Zex was incredibly worried.
He had never really felt this worried for someone in anyway.
He was sitting at the foot of the bed Felix was in.
Then Saya came into the room.
"Oh, hello, Zex," She said blankly.
"Oh, hello," He said, wiping the small tears away. He didn't want anyone to see him cry.
"I came in to check on Felix....but I wanted to apologize," She said to him.
"What?" He asked.
"For what happened to your eye, all those years ago when you were attacking me, I saw someone was coming up to kill you, so I shot a bolt.....but a stray one hit you," Saya apologized."I can heal it if you want?"
Zex shook his head.
"No, I think I should keep it, to remember my mistakes." Zex calmly explained. "I'm sorry for attacking you; I don't know what came over me."
" It's ok," She said, patting him on the shoulder and walking out of the room.
Zex sighed.
Then Felix started stirring.
"Oh, good morning," Felix said weakly.
"Its almost nightfall." Zex said bluntly.
"Oh, well, I guess I should get to sleep, want to join me?" Felix teased.
Zex blushed a little but agreed.
He cuddled up to Felix's chest.

"Zex, why don't you have horns?" Felix asked.
"Because I'm part Spirit," Zex muttered.
"What was that?" Felix asked or teasing.
"I'm part spirit; I don't know how or why, but I can turn into one at any time." Zex explained. He never really told it to anyone besides Bish.
"Wow, strange, well I don't care" Felix stated
"Thank you." Zex said," Felix, do you worry about Bish when she wakes up?"
Lady Bish had been taken to healers, but she still hasn't woken up.
"Don't worry about her, when she wakes up; she'll be pissed but also incredibly weak" Felix corrected "Shes been asleep for like two days, I doubt she could even stand up," Felix explained. "You're going to be ok, especially if I'm here."

Freddy was eating.....a radish. Ava was perplexed about it.
"Why are you eating a radish?" She asked him.
"I'm hungry," Freddy said before swallowing a bite.
"Well, that's a strange craving, but maybe you should stop, you seem to be gaining weight" Ava commented," And what else could be causing it, the food here is incredibly bland."
"Yeah, but that doesn't stop you from stuffing your face, and Peirce still likes you," Freddy said with sarcasm. "I see your little goo eyes at each other, and it's disgusting."
Freddy had seen Ava's mark; it was similar to Peirce's tattoo. And Peirce had one showed arrows pointing to an I inside a human head.
Ava tries to stutter something out but got frustrated and left.

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