She's back

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(First off, happy pride month!
Leifs pov
I was wandering in the village of Blossom. It wasn't by choice; I got lost.
Then I heard a family voice.
I started sneaking. I was in front of the healer's office.
I looked through a window. It was Bish.
She was awake,
"That man is going to be punished, as soon as I find him," Bish yelled a little.
But as soon as she got off the bed. She fell onto her face.
I giggled a little.
"Ok, now I need to get Zex and Rahl, I can't feel my body," She said, getting up and limping to the door.

I realized what was happening and ran off,
I ran until I ran into........Noi
"Oh, there you are." Noi said, laughing.
"Noi, we need to get to the others," I warned," Bish just woke up, and she is coming after Zex and Rahl."
Nois eyes widened.
We both ran toward the house.
We ran inside, and Freddy was talking to Rhys.
"Wheres Zex?!" I yelled, and Freddy pointed to his room.
I ran to it and slammed open the door. I was leaving Noi behind to explain.
Inside I found Felix trying to keep Zex in his arms. Zex had a faint color purple in his eye.
"Let me go! I have to go to Bish!" He yelled.
Then Felix started chanting something.

Aid tusklyy tvoy svet uslyshat' etu rokovuyu mol' bu!

As he did it, Zexs left arm he was holding onto, started turning black.
He fell backward, and the blackness disappeared.
He started breathing heavily. And the purple disappeared too.
"Zex, are you crazy!?" Felix yelled; he seemed angry.
Zex seemed.....scared of Felix.
" wasn't me; it was Bish," Zex almost screamed.
"I believe you, did she even get control?" He seemed confused.
"Oh, she's awake, and she's pissed," I said, stopping Felix in his tracks.
"Oh, crap." Felix yelled.

Time skip.
Ava's pov
Felix and Saya had gotten me and the others to the main room in her house. Saya had an eye patch on.
"So everyone, Lady bish has woken up and has taken Rahl," Leif explained."Zex isn't in her control anymore, thanks to Felix."
Felix looked incredibly proud of himself.
"Although She got Rahl, she took him by mental force in person,
Then she took the patch off.

"Although She got Rahl, she took him by mental force in person,Then she took the patch off

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"Oh, Irene, that looks terrible."  I said.
She never really took violence well.
"Yeah, and according to Saya, she saw her take him to the woods, and based on what she said about it," Freddy said taking a breath "There is a spell pool out there, and it's a prime magic hot spot so she might try to create a portal."
"So everyone, we need to hurry, we could be going to earth, so grab everything you can," Felix said walking to his and Freddys room

A small time skip
3rd person
Everyone had gotten their things. Then when they walked into the main room. Instead of Asch and Amelia, they found.....him.


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"What...happened?" Zex asked. He seemed concerned about this unknown man.
"Oh right, I am Ashton, I am a fusion between Asch and Amelia," Ashton said," I have removed my horns as a plan that I have"
"What's the plan?" Saya asked.
"Well, I will need someone who can run the fastest." Ashton bluntly asked.
Then everyone looked at Freddy.
"What?" Freddy asked.
"Well, you do tell me that you were on the track team in high school," Ava commented," And you're a man."

"Yeah, a pregnant man." Freddy corrected.
Everybody except Rhys gasped.
"What?!" Ava and Peirce said almost in unison.
"Yeah, that's why I haven't been drinking, that's why I've been puking, and that's why my stomach is so big!" Freddy yelled, tearing up a little.
"Freddy don't call yourself big, " Rhys comforted him "He had been taking pills for a more significant chance to get kids"

"Well, then we should send someone else, " Leif said, looking at everyone.
"I'll do it," Felix said, putting his hand up. " Freddy and I are basically in the same physical strength, so I guess I have the same speed as him."
"B-but, Felix!" Zex yelled, "You could get hurt?!"
Zex seemed very scared.
He was even crying a little.
"I'll be fine, trust me on this." Felix calmed him down.

To be continued.

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