The date

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Freddy's pov

I haven't been on a date for a year.
Rhys didn't even know what a date was. I was holding his hand as we walked behind Ava now and her dad's.
"So what we need to do is just sit there and get through this dinner," I muttered to him.
"Two males can be mates," He muttered under his breath.
"What was that?" I asked him, already knowing his answer.
"Nothing, it's just i'm fascinated by this." Rhys said stars in his eyes.
We arrived at the pizza place within an hour.

Devon and Andrew went inside and got a table. Rhys and I sat down on a bench while Ava and Noi tried not to pass out from holding hands.
For a reason, Rhys seemed very calm about me doing it.
"Rhys, you know you look adorable dressed like this," I said, and he blushed when I said it.
Asch did say he's grown a liking to me. Is it.....attraction.

(Time skip because I'm tired)
Freddy's pov

Well, the Daemos crashed our date. Who knew they could become invisible well probably Rhys.
They all sans Rhys wanted Ava to marry them.
But all of them think she's a princess. I didn't have the heart to tell them.

I finally had a moment to think.
Rhys seems.....perfect. I mean he's weird, but he's smart and super, SUPER hot.
Anyone would murder to be with him. And I guess in his world that's normal.
I changed into some nightclothes and took out my hair tie, and my hair fell down and onto my face.
My phone started ringing.
My mother. Can't decline now, she'll be mad.

 Can't decline now, she'll be mad

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