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Freddy's pov

I heard footsteps coming out of the Daemos room.
Rhys got in front of me. He pulled his staff out.

Amelia hid behind Felix, who brought out a kitchen Knife.
Then out came......Rahl is holding Saya in his arms.
He raised his head, and I saw he was crying.

I got through Rhys. Felix and I went to Saya.
I saw that Rahl's soul mark was the same as his skin.
She's alive.
"Where....Where can I put her?" Rahl asked. He was Sobbing a little.

"My room put her in my room," I said... I, Felix, and Rhys led him to my room.
And he put Saya on the bed.
He motioned for Rhys to leave the room.
"I'm not leaving," Rhys said bluntly.
"Rhys, don't worry, I won't let him do anything to him," Felix comforted Rhys.
Rhys then left my bedroom.

"She's alive," I reassured Rahl. "She just needs some rest and maybe some of.
I put my hand in hers and muttered Grandma's spell.
It worked...but not entirely. Me being pregnant means most of my magic energy is used to keep the babies safe.
I remember when I figured out I was with my children.

I had just been puking uncontrollably.
Saya had taken me into her bedroom to check up on me.

"So, have you eaten anything weird?" Saya asked me.
"Not really food here really isn't editable, no offense," I apologized.
"It's ok, everyone here knows that," She said, then she put her hand on my stomach.

Then her eyes lit up.
"Freddy, I have some news."  She said, excitedly.
"What is it?" I asked.
"You're pregnant, " Saya said stars in her eyes. "With Twins"
I was so happy I cried a little.
It seems the meds worked.
"Would you like to know the genders?" She asked.
"No, I want to be surprised." I said.

"Can you tell me something?" Rahl asked me.
"What is it?" I asked.
"Did Asch ever....mention me?" Rahl seemed concerned.
"Well maybe not to me, but you can ask my sister, they're mates, well not officially, but" I was interrupted by Saya stirring awake.

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