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(Warning: Homeopathic slurs ahead)
Freddy's pov
Age: 16
"Dad, could we just leave?" I asked my dad, nervously.
We were sitting in his car in front of the house of this kid Evelyn from school. Her mom works for my dad, so she invited me.
My dad said I should go; I barely talk to my classmates as it is. So I don't speak to others my age. And I came out a few weeks ago. Thus most of my class was avoiding me.
But I have met a couple of people who don't care at all.
I look down at my clothes, a light blue sweater vest, slacks, and sneakers.
Should I have worn something different?
"Come on, bud; you've been nervous all week, relax," Dad chirped.
I took a few deep breaths.
I stepped out of the car.
"Dont forget your present," He said, handing me the small wrapped up book.
"Oh, right," I said, taking it.
I closed the car door and waved as dad drove away.
I walked up the stone walkway to the house.
I was about to knock on the door, but then I saw Ms.Shimdt open the door.
She was an older woman with blond hair.
"Oh, hey Freddy, " She said with a smile. "The others are in the living room."
She directed me into the living room.

The door opened.
"Ok, kids, I'll be out for about an hour, play nice," Ms.Shimdt said.
Wait, she's leaving?!
She walked away, and I closed the door.
"Hey Fred," Evelyn said happily.
"Hey, here's your present," I said.

"I-I'm sorry if I'm late," I stuttered out

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"I-I'm sorry if I'm late," I stuttered out.
"It's okay, I mean you came when my mom left, now for the real party." She said.
She put the present on a small table.

Real party?
When she said that, her mom's car pulled out of the driveway.
Then the two boys, one werewolf named Jason, the other I don't recognize, started changing the room.
Jason closed the shade. Evelyn left the room, and when she returned, she pulled out a six-pack of cans.
"I hid these under my bed for a week, mom didn't notice," She said.
"Should you have that?" I asked timidly.
" It's okay, what she doesn't know won't hurt her." She said. "Why don't you go pick the music?"
I walked over to the stereo next to the tv.
I saw a few music discs.
I choose one that was a few songs by the Larry H Peen.
I know his music, it's pop.
I put the music in and turned it up.
Then Jason came over to me.
"Ugh, who said that Gays had good taste," Jason said. He shoved me aside. And went to the stereo.
He changed it to some techno song.

I walked away, and I sat on the pink couch.

The atmosphere doesn't feel right.
Evelyn and Jason started talking.
Then the boy I don't know came and sat next to me.
"Um, hi," I said. "A-are you new?" I asked.
He chuckled.
"Yeah, sort of, I'm Nathen." He said.
"I'm Freddy," I said. "I'm sorry if I dressed incorrectly," I apologized.
"It's okay, besides you look adorable dressed like that," He said seductively.
I felt my face flush as he said that.
"Y-you think so?" I said. Flustered.
"Aww, you so cute, all embarrassed like that." he said.
We talked for about an hour.
Then the music started slowing down.
"Want to dance?" he asked.
"O-oh, of course," I said.
We both got up from the couch.

And we started dancing to the music.
It felt nice.
But then he-
Gave me my first kiss.

But then he-Gave me my first kiss

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It felt forced. But I gave up fighting and kissed back.
This isn't really how I imagined my first kiss.
Then Evelyn saw us.
She shoved us away from each other.
"What do you think you're doing kissing him!" She yelled at me.
"B-but I-I didn't," I stuttered out.
"Yeah, the little fag just went and did it," Nathen said. "It was disgusting,"

"B-but y-you kissed m-me," I said, trying to defend myself.
"Ugh, now lying, you are a mess," Jason said, pushing me away from everyone.
"I didn't want to invite him; my mom made me." Evelyn said, scoffing.
"I-I'm s-so s-sorry," I stuttered out. "I-I'll leave," I started crying.
"No! The little fag here needs to be punished for crying to corrupt me," Nathen said.
"B-but I didn't-" I was interrupted by Jason and Nathen grabbing me.
No matter how much I screamed, they wouldn't let me go. Jason pulled my hair, and he burned my left arm with his cigarette.

They dragged me to the entryway. They then shoved me into a small closet under the stairs.
They locked the door.
I tried to open the door.
It's small and tight in here, and it's dark with only the light from the entry giving me view.
I was stuck on my knees.
"Now, stay in there until you're a normal person!" Jason yelled. "And not a little pervert begging for someone to fuck you!"
I started crying.
Why are they doing this?
They just left the room and left me in there.

Should I have just stayed in my closet? Should I have just pretended to be straight

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Should I have just stayed in my closet?
Should I have just pretended to be straight....right?

If I did, no one would hate me.
I kept crying until.

The closet door opened.
I crawled out of the closet. I looked around. The room was empty. I only heard the music from the party.
I cried softly as I got to my feet. I walked out of the house and slumped to the side of the porch.
"Please hurry, Ms.Shimdt," I silently begged. I don't want them to know I escaped.

Meanwhile, at the party.
3rd person.

Everyone was laughing.
They planned to humiliate the poor young man from the beginning.
They started to eat the cake that Evelyn's mom made.

Then somehow. The cake fell off the table.
"Ok, who did that?" Jason yelled; he got some of the cake on his clothes.
"Nathen, don't do that," Evelyn yelled.
"I didnt," he defended himself.
"Well, I'm going to go clean this off," Jason said, walking to the door.

But it didn't open.
"Hey, the door is locked." Jason said.
"What, the door doesn't lock," Evelyn said.

When she said that the stereo started going crazy.
Then it just broke.
The lights started flickering.
Then the tv sparked then fell off the wall
Everyone started freaking out.
They tried to leave the room. Evelyn worked the windows. But when she tried a chair flew towards her and knocked her out cold.

Nathen tried to hide under the table.
But then it was like someone picked it up and dropped it on his head.
He screamed in pain. He then curled into a ball. Held his head in pain.
Jason tried to break the door down, but as he worked.
The knife that was used to cut the cake flew towards him and sliced his palm.
He hissed in pain and screamed like a banshee.

???? Pov

Freddy's pov
I cried softly; then, I heard the others screaming.
I got up and stepped away from the house.
As I did, I heard a car pull up.
It was my dad.
He got out of his car.
"Freddy, what's wrong?" He said worriedly.
I just ran up to him and hugged him.
I cried into his chest.
He just hugged me back and took me back to the car. When he did, it started to rain softly.
I cried as he drove me home.
"Hey, bud," he said to me at a red light.
"Just keep driving," I mumbled.

(Wow, this was sad, sorry if anyone was offended, I don't know what came over me)

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