The poison

447 15 12

Freddy's pov
I sat down on the couch next to a sleeping Rhys.
The second his head hit the couch, he was out.
Mikey was cuddling between us. It was adorable.
I then saw Leif appear in front of me.
"Hey, Leif," I said calmly.
"You seem calm, strange," Leif commented.
"Well I don't want to wake up Rhys, he stayed up all night to take care of me," I said a bright smile on my face.
"Wow, he never does that," Leif said, annoyed, guess he's already bored.
"Hey Leif, you're an assassin, right?" I asked he nodded," Well, have you ever poisoned anyone?" I asked.
"No, making them die quickly takes the fun out of it." Leif quickly answered. "And why do you even ask."
"Just curious," I said, lying.

Asch was annoyed; he had tried to get rid of Freddy, and he thought that killing him would stop it.
He had sneaked into his room and found the bottle; he believed it was poison, and he put it in a glass of water that Freddy was drinking.

He didn't even notice, but then when he saw Freddy alive, and well, he had been annoyed that Rhys has been spending to much time with Freddy and not Him.
He was angry.

Leif came into the room where Asch had his break down.
"Asch, what are you doing?"

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