Spa day

658 19 1

Freddy's pov
I woke up to the sound of my phone.
I got out of bed and yawned.
Last night was amazing. I found out Rhys loves me, I kissed him, made out for a bit. Then I fell asleep.
It was unique, more than any other boyfriend I've had in the past.
The kiss was almost magical; I never wanted it to end.

I got up and took a shower.
I was about to up my hair in a ponytail. But then I remembered that Rhys said he really likes it when my hairs down.

I didn't put my hair up and just put my glasses on.

3rd person

Meanwhile, the Daemos were having a meeting of their own to discuss the events of the day. Rhys was zoning out.
He kept thinking about what happened the night before; he didn't even hear what the others were talking about.
"Rhys," Asch called out, breaking his trance.
"What?" This surprised Rhys.

"Aren't we already on death's door if everyone finds out we used the last soul?" Leif cut in worriedly.
Rhys remembered what the meeting was about
"No one on Daemos has to know we courted a human." Rhys brushed the former assassin's concerns aside. "We only want Ava for her magic, that's all."

"How about we just start threatening humans? Maybe with, I don't know... death?" His eyes sparkled at the thought.

"We are severely outnumbered in this world, Leif. The human population here severely outweighs the entirety of our world." Rhys paused, looking worried. "I suspect there are even more humans than we are aware of, based on one of the books Freddy gave me to read. We may have only seen glimpses of one small kingdom here on Ee-urth so far." Rhys explained remembering the first book Freddy gave him; it explained overpopulation.

Then Rhys became lost in thought; he vowed to return to deamos, but he found Freddy. And this brought on internal conflict: his brain and his heart.

"Rhys? Rhys!" Asch was calling his name, sounding more annoyed by the second.


"What were you going to say?"

"Asch..." Rhys took a moment to compose himself. "You are the prince of the kingdom of Daemos. However, you know that there are lesser kingdoms of Daemos that are all at war for the throne your family has."
Rhys was scared that Asch would be mad he wasn't listening.
Then the sound of something falling over rang through the lair.
But the others were to in their conversation to notice.
Rhys snuck away from the meeting.

He saw a bust on the ground, not broken just out of place.
He put it back on the pedestal.
He heard voices coming from the spell pool; he followed the voices.
He entered and saw Ava and Freddy in the spell pool
"Princess Ava?" Rhys sounded confused. "Freddy?"

"Hiiii!" the former called out, the latter giving a little wave.

"Why are you in the spell pool -" Rhys cut himself off quickly, feeling it might not be a good idea to let them know exactly what they were sitting in. " - I mean... what are you two doing here?"
Ava sat up. "Well, originally, I wanted to yell and stab you guys with my novelty giant pencil, because I was mad at myself for a kind of letting you guys into my life without question, but then! I stumbled upon your hot tub, and I forgave myself for not asking you guys questions, but I got mad at you guys for not telling me you had an amazing hot tub!" Ava said happily.
The others came into the room looking confused and angry.

"You know what?" Freddy managed to focus on them. "If you guys let us use this hot tub all we want, we'll tell you guys even more about the human world. Okay?"

"Really?!" Rhys was unable to hide his excitement. "I - "

"Deal," Asch interrupted.
Freddy, motioned to them lazily. "Come sit with us. Come on, let's talk!"

The five men got into the pool with them.

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