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Freddy's pov
I started groaning. I opened my eyes, and I was greeted by.....RHYS!
He was wearing the clothes I gave him.
I got up and sat on my bed.
I grabbed his hand to make sure he was real.
He is.
"Hey Freddy," Rhys said, he sounded worried. "I see you have wings now."
"Rhys, I still love you, I'm not mad, just confused," I calmly explained," Why do I have wings?"
"Well, I guess my magic was a little more potent, and I think since we're mates, it was transferred to you pretty quickly." He explained.
I smiled.
I gave Rhys a small kiss.
"I met your brother, it's nice he's alive now," Rhys said he seemed calm about it.
"Yeah, I didn't get to see him alive, though; I passed out," I said meekly.
Rhys just laughed.
Rhys helped me up.
"So, think I can fly?" I asked.
"Maybe, you could learn." Rhys said," We just need to find a bird with free time."

I laughed at his obvious joke.
We both walked out of the room.
The others were in the main room of the house.
Saya was sitting there next to...Felix.
"Freddy!" He shouted hopping out of his chair. He ran up, and he hugged me

"You didn't have to be; I mean, I stole part of your soul

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"You didn't have to be; I mean, I stole part of your soul." Felix apologized.
"But you're my baby brother," I sobbed out.
"Were the same age, I know you would've been born first but still." Felix commented.
I giggled at that.

Amelia got up and joined us in the hug.
Heh, an awkward sibling hug.

"Hey Saya, where can I um....relieve myself?" Felix asked. Embarrassed.
"There is an outhouse in the back," Saya said, getting up and leading him outside.
I then walked out through the front door.
I kept trying to explain everything to myself.
But then I thought of something.
Rhys pov
I came out of the house. He looked concerned.
"Is everything ok?" I asked him then.....

"He isn't starving, a week here is a day on earth" I said calmly

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"He isn't starving, a week here is a day on earth" I said calmly.
" Are you honest, or are you comforting me?" he sobbed out.
" I'm honest, and I'm sorry that you're worried." I said calmly. "I might have something to calm you down."
"What is it?" He asked.

3rd person
Rhys started whispering in Freddys ear, and he kept getting more flustered.
"Yes," He squeaked out. "Milion times, yes."
Rhys just smiled and pulled Freddy into the woods.

Amelia's pov
I was still processing it.
My dead older brother Felix is now alive, Asch is a prince according to what his brother said.
I overheard them when they were outside.
"Asch I would like to say." Rahl announced but was interrupted by Asch.
"just going to stop you there, I am not going back there, I don't care that you could get killed, I was going to be sacrificed, brothers don't treat each other like this!" Asch yelled.
"B-but that wasn't me," Rahl said...he started to sound upset.
"Oh, it was you! You may have gotten married, but that doesn't mean anything!" Asch yelled," And also, you two haven't even had sex yet!"

"W-what how do you even know that?!" Rahl yelled.
"My bedroom is next to you! During your two years of marriage, I never heard a single thing!" Asch yelled.
Two years!? Man that is....crazy is she using him or something.
Then Rahl said something, but it was drowned out by Asch growling.
Rahl ran off.
And Asch came over, and I pretended to run into him.
"Oh, hey, Asch." I said.
"What did you hear?" He asked.
"Not much, but seriously your brother hasn't slept with his wife yet?" I asked. He just nodded.
"Geeze, on earth humans have sex in the night after the wedding, sometimes even before" When I said this Asch blushed a little.
"R-really could we-" I interrupted him.
"Not yet." I said.
"Yeah, hey, I've meant to ask, what happened? At your parent's house, you started to act....strange?" Asch asked," Why is that tell me."

I sighed. This will take a while.

I told Asch about....well everything in a way that he would understand. The abuse, the expectations, the genocide jack things. And what I did to reverse it.

" unbelievable," Asch said excitedly. "You're almost as powerful as I am."
"Thank you," I said. Hopefully, it was a compliment.

Noi's pov
I was sitting next to Leif. The woman Saya, she seemed.....Familiar, but I couldn't tell where I knew her.
"How do you know me?" I asked when she came back.
She seemed surprised.
"Noi, you don't remember me?" She seemed surprised.
"No," I said.
"Well, to make a long story short, about three years ago, during a battle, you came wandering into the village, wounded, I helped patch you up." Saya explained. "We talked, but you had to go back, and I guess you forgot."

"Well, people forget things, " Ava Interjected.

Felix's pov
I walked out of the outhouse, man this thing smells...well it does now.
I was walking back into the house when I saw that Zex guy.
He was sitting by the woods, just staring into space.
I came up to him.
"Hey, are you ok?" I asked him.
"Not really, I felt like everything in my life is falling apart," He muttered.
I then grabbed two bottles from one of the pockets in my cloak. I also took these from where I got the wine.
I gave one to him; he accepted it.
"Cheers" I muttered before taking a swig.

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