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Sayas pov

I was explaining to noi about everything that happened when he was here when I saw Rahl walking past the window.
"Excuse me for a second," I said before leaving the house.

I followed him until he was away from the house.
"Rahl!" I yelled, and he stopped.
He turned around.
"Oh, Sayaka?" He guessed my name.
"It's Saya," I corrected."And what the hell! You try to get me killed over six times, and you just show up, and suddenly you think I'm attractive?!"
"Well....i. It wasn't me, me it was Bish, she controlled my head, and I wasn't aware of it," Rahl defended himself. "It was like a reverse concise telling me to do the worst."
I groaned. But then....well it does sound like something she would do.
I sighed.
"Sounds like something that would happen, I forgive you, but I -" I was interrupted.
He kissed me. He kissed me.

Unaware to them, both of our marks started glowing, and we got the full yin and yang. And on Sayas back, small still forming wings formed on her back.

Sayas pov

I really liked it.
He stopped when we heard.....drunken singing.

"What will we do with a drunken sailor, what will we do with a drunken sailor early in the morning" The two men sang through the almost empty street.
I looked over, and it's......Zex and Felix.
He's been alive for two days, and he's already ruining his body.
They stumbled past us, Felix holding Zex by his shoulder and walking together.

"Zex!? Are you drunk?!" Rahl yelled.
Zex just rambled. And he and Felix just walked off.
We just stared at each other.

Amelia's pov

I was in the living room, and a teenage Freddy was standing in front of a board was in front of me.
"And due to recent studies, males can become pregnant, but it only affects 35% of men in the world, and it lasts only six months, unlike female pregnancy." Freddy explained like he was doing a project. " most familiar symptoms of this include weight gain, swelling, mood swings, and cravings. The way a C-section removes the child in a male,"

"Well, that was interesting," I said. I couldn't control myself. "I guess you'll get an A."
He must be doing a project for school.
"Yeah, Pearl industries really did great work on those studies, although they also made those pills that increase the chance for a man to get it makes sense." Freddy rambled.
"Really? Well, they have to make profits somehow, and what if a female takes it?" I asked. Yeah, that's right, does it increase a chance for that?
"Oh yeah, it causes them to fall asleep for a while, like two days or so," Freddy said.
"Wow, that has to be bad for her," I said in surprise.
"Yeah, she will feel terrible both mentally and physically!" Freddy called.
Then Mom and dad came in.
"Hey Freddy, tell your mother that an investment in Millworth hotel is a good idea.," Dad said," I mean, it's just a building."
"To be honest, the tourism here is fantastic, and it's the only hotel in town so...its an ok investment," Freddy explained.
"Told you so, Joanna." Dad said then he saw the board," Oh, I see you're doing your project, why is a picture of William Shakespeare on there?"
"Oh, it's there because he was one of the first men to become pregnant, but he had a miscarriage," Freddy explained.
"Awww. Poor willy," Dad said, a sad expression.

(An: I know none of that is true, but it's my book, I can put what I want in it. Also the thing about William Shakespeare, it's because he was theorized to be a homosexual, look it up)

I woke up from my dream, which felt more like a memory than a dream. I guess my body is showing me random moments, to bring me up to date with this timeline. I had three already. The first was when I first came here was of Freddy and me on a plane, heading to San Francisco for spring break during high school.
The second was inside the two wolves diner during the hurricane that struck in Lunaris. Dad was tending to the wounded, while Freddy and I were looking for food. Mom was talking to some people.

The third was us watching a season premiere of a spy comedy I really like.
Dad kept asking questions when he didn't understand anything. It was honestly hilarious.

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