The next day

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Freddy's pov
'She isn't better!!' I mentally screamed

"By all accounts, she seems sick."

"Stand aside: I'll take care of this," Leif declared confidently, bringing his hands together as green light glowed. When he brought them apart, his expression dropped to one of confusion. "What th - i-it didn't work!"

"Perhaps your magic has gotten weak," the Daemos prince scoffed.

"It has not! I learned this to show I could!" he shot back.

"Perhaps the spell pool is having an adverse effect," Pierce offered.

"... or humans can't be healed by Daemos magic," Rhys cut in thoughtfully.

"That's not true," Leif scoffed. "I healed Freddy on our first day here, remember?"

"Then perhaps humans can only be healed of physical wounds. You had no trouble mending Freddys after his 'encounter' with Pierce, as well as waking Ava after her parents came in unexpectedly. Daemos, due to magic, usually heal after rest. Unless their magic is - " He was cut off as Ava coughed harshly. "This is odd," Rhys murmured seriously.
I pulled Rhys out of the room as the others were talking.
"Rhys, I wanted to talk about yesterday," I said to him.
"About what? How Prince Asch and the others discovered us kissing" Rhys said a nervous look on his face.
"Rhys calm down, they're distracted by Ava being sick, they won't even react." I explained," Just calm down."
Rhys took a deep breath,
"Ok," He muttered.

We went back inside, and I approached Ava.
"Ava, can you speak," I asked her.
She coughed weakly.

"She's unresponsive."

"No! S-she just coughed!" Noi cried hopefully. "Th-that was a response!"

"He means... she's not communicating. This illness must have a grasp on her." Rhys defends me.

"Or maybe the spell pool did it," Asch muttered to himself. Then he looked at me; he gave me a death stare.
It felt like fire when he set his eyes on me.

"I suggest that we all split up and look around for solutions. We'll meet back here when we've come up with some theories and ideas to test." Rhys said to each of them.

"That sounds better than nothing." Asch glared at Leif. "No ideas that would kill a human!"

"Bu-but those were all my ideas... "

"Tough luck," Pierce growled.

"Shut up!"

"Look for solutions." Rhys gave the order. "Disperse."

Rhys pulled me into my bedroom.
"Freddy, I wanted to tell you this earlier, I know about...who you really are"
I was confused by this statement.
"What do you mean?" I asked, confused. "Who I really am?"
"I know.....I know that you're a prince," Rhys said calmly.

"And I know you didn't tell me because you wanted to know if my love was real, and not just because of your status," Rhys explained. "And I still love you, and I'm glad to have you, and I'm going to be the best future king your mother and Father have ever seen."
He said that with such compassion and kindness.
He seems so ready to convert to earth.

I CANT TELL HIM! This will break his handsome heart.
"Thanks Rhys, and my first order as a prince and your possible future husband, " I covered his mouth with his hands. "that you never speak of this conversation to anybody, agreed?"
He nodded, and I smiled.

3rd person
Unknown to the two, a certain prince of Daemos was listening from the door to the room.
His face became sour as he left.

Pierce stayed behind in Avas' room and took a seat on the foot of the bed.
He crossed his legs, and his pants came up, he looked at his leg, a saw that a scar he had gotten in battle was.....gone, at first he thought it was on the other leg, he checked and no injury.
He racked his brain to try and figure out why and how the scar disappeared. Then he remembered the spell pool, the way it glowed as Freddy sang he had his legs in the water. He needed to tell the others.

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