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AN: I just realized this is my longest-running series with 41
Just wow.
I don't know what to do....should I be happy that I've kept it running or sad that it took me until now to notice. Meh.

This takes place the day before Asch snapped.

Freddy's pov
I had answered the door; it was Marlene, Mrs.Oate's grandaughter.
"Trick or treat!" She shouted happily.
"Marlene, Halloween isn't for another couple of weeks; it's a bit early," I kneeled to her level.
"Its never too soon!" She shouted, and I giggled.
Then I heard a growl behind me.
Then Marlene let out an ear-piercing shriek of terror, bolting away and heading straight towards the elevator. She frantically mashed on the call button, barely pausing for breath in her screams.

I shot up, moving in front of the door to block him as I turned around. Asch was standing there, a furious expression and a fireball in his hand.
"Put that away right now!" I whispered furiously, meeting his glare.

"Or what?!" he shot back, bringing the fire closer to my face.

"Or else I'll personally summon the nine-hundred and eleven knights to deal with you," I said, somewhat fueling their illusion.

He hesitated. "You... you wouldn't dare. Only Ava and her parents have the power to command so many warriors."

I leaned in closer to his face. "You really want to test that?"

"I - "

"Asch?! What did you do?!" Ava called out, running up behind him. He quickly extinguished the fireball
Before he could answer, I spoke up.
"His Majesty Asch here just scared the living sh - ... stuffings... out of Marlene."
Ava ran after her, and I shut the door.
"Go back to your show," I ordered the Asch.
"Don't order me around yo-" He was interrupted by Rhys.
"Listen to him Asch," He called from the other room.
Asch looked defeated and walked away.

I went back to my room.
A while later Ava came back.
"Fred, I need your help," She asked me.
"What is it?" I asked.
"Well, Mrs.Oates hurt her back, and she's supposed to be watching Marlene, so she asks if we could do it." Ava asked.
"ne sprashivay menya po-russkil," I said in Russian, hoping she wouldn't understand.
(No ask me in, Russian)
"Khorosho, ty pomozhesh' mne, nyanya?" She asked in Russian.
"Wow thought that would get me out of it," I said, surprised at her.
"I took some lessons online." Ava announced, looking proud of herself.

Time skip(Because I'm tired and lazy)
I fell asleep, and I woke up next to Rhys. I reached up to my face, and I had some stickers on it.
I giggled and snuggled up to Rhys.

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