The Market

138 4 17

Freddy's pov

Saya allowed me to go off on my own while she took Ava and Amelia.
We walked towards what seems like a market place.
People were selling things you would expect in a medieval marketplace, food, weapons, pottery, etc.
"Now, don't draw any attention, and keep your heads down," Saya said, walking by me.
I walked over to a stand selling small knives.

I looked over my choices.
My eye caught a small knife; it had the symbol of roses and flowers on it.
I picked it up; it felt light.
The shop keeper was just staring at me.
"Excuse me?" I asked. The male with but horns jumped. Like he wasn't expecting me to talk. "How much for this?"
"Take it; it's yours." He said, turning from me. He seemed embarrassed.
"Really?" I asked. "Oh, thank you" I laughed a little.
I put the dagger in a small pocket on my belt.
I started walking away.
Felix then floated in front of me.
"He was attracted to you, " He teased.
"No he wasn't, shut up." I muttered through my teeth. Hoping no one saw me.
Then I saw a boy run past me holding a loaf of bread.
Then as I was Walking by a cluttered stall and I saw this.

It seemed like It was handmade; it had a little bit on it, so it was old

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It seemed like It was handmade; it had a little bit on it, so it was old.
I got the attention of the owner, an older woman with greenhorns.
"How much would I give to get this?" I asked, holding the spyglass in my hands.
"I guess....12?" She reached out her hand.
I reached into the pouch and pulled out 12 of the coins in it.
She accepted them, and I walked away, and I headed into the meeting spot, the large tree in the center of the village.
I sat down on the ground in front of the tree.

Amelia's pov
I was walking along with Ava and Saya.
She had to keep her eye on us.
Apparently, she fell through a portal or something I don't know I was to busy staring at the shiny things on display. Then I came across a ring.

I stared at it, then the owner, a middle-aged man with twisting horns, came up to me

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I stared at it, then the owner, a middle-aged man with twisting horns, came up to me.
"Are you going to buy that?" He asked, then he saw Saya with me. "Oh miss Saya, it's a pleasure to see you."
"Well, she's with me." Saya said calmly.
"Well, would you like it, young miss?" He asked me
"Well yeah, how much?" I asked, a little embarrassed.
"No, no. You're with miss Saya ill give it to you," He said, taking the ring out of the box and handing it to me.
"No, no, take this," Saya said calmly and handing him a bunch of coins, and I noticed an incomplete yin yang symbol on her wrist. It just showed the Yin symbol.
Then we start walking away.
We walked towards the tree because Saya had bought everything she needed.

Rhys pov
We followed the glow of mine and Asch's glowing soul marks.
And we came across a road.
But then we saw a carriage coming by so we ducked in a bush.
It was the royal carriage.
Four minotaurs are pulling it.
I looked as they were going back.
Inside were Rahl, Zex, and Lady bish.

We stayed until they left.
As we got out, I was that Leif and Noi were holding hands; on their wrists, we're their marks.
Leif had a small lightning bolt.
And Noi had a dagger.
"Why are they here?" Asch asked. "What even in this area?"
"Well, we are obviously at least near the village of Blossom, based on the wilderness." Leif said in a confident tone.
Then I looked ahead on the dirt road,
"Plus, there's that sign," I did, pointing to it.
It said.
'Village of Blossom up ahead'

"Plus, there's that sign," Leif said, mocking me.
I groaned. He's annoying sometimes.

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