Bish and Felix

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Felix pov
Must....Remember...To breath!
I started breathing heavily.
It felt nice to feel the wind on my face.
My brother, on the other hand, had looked close to passing out. I guess I was a part of him for a while.
I grabbed him by his shoulder, along with Saya.
"He will stay asleep for a while; a bit of himself was you so he will be weak." Saya explained.
It took about an hour to take him back. Man, he's heavy.
We set him on the bed in his room. I started breathing heavily.
"Can you please breathe quieter." Says complained a little.
"Sorry, first time breathing, and I'm not good at it." I apologized.
I laughed a little and walked out of the room. I was about to step out of the house, but then Saya grabbed my arm.
"Hey, you can't leave yet!" She shouted, it's almost dark, and you could get hurt!"
"Hey, I just became alive about an hour ago, I'll be careful, trust me," I complained. I pulled my arm out of her grip, although it seemed like she let me go. She is probably weak from doing well....this!
I walked around the empty dirt road. It seems that everyone goes inside at night.

"You lazy beasts!" I heard a female voice shout. It's that lady bish woman.
I walked over, and she was complaining to the minotaurs that brought her here.
I walked over, but before I did. I saw that there was a homemade wine in a bottle. It seemed new. Then I got an idea.

Time skip.
I walked over to her; she is sitting in the carriage.
"Hello," I said, a bit seductively.
We jumped a little, not expecting me there.
"Um, hello?" she asked, confused," Oh, it's you; the one we assumed was human."
She must think I'm Freddy.
"Yeah, pretty stupid of that guy to assume that, I mean, look at me." I said. "I came to apologize for wasting your time, oh, and give you and your husband this." I said, holding up the wine.
"Oh?" She seemed shocked. "Well, thank you, come in," She said, opening the door and allowing me into the carriage. "He isn't here; he said he had something to do."
It was small but fancy. She seemed annoyed.
"So, what reason would someone like you to come here?" I asked—a bit of a seductive tone.
She seemed to flush a little.
"Well, to be honest, I sent someone to a world of humans, he came back and said they were in this area, and we came to find them," She explained. "But now I think they probably left."
"Well, we don't know where they went," I lied.
Then she grabbed the wine and started downing it.
Wow, she is brave!

A few minutes later.
Lady bish had fallen asleep.
"Wow, she is a lightweight, that was like half the bottle" I was shocked.
"Of Freddys sleep meds, that I put in the wine," I paused."Huh, she might die," I said bluntly. Pretty funny considering I was technically dead for about 25 years.
It does sort of feel right that I could kill her.
I got out of the carriage.
Then I ran into her husband and, based on her ramblings before passing out, was Rahl.
And that guy Zex.
They both seemed confused.
"Is everything ok?" I asked.
They didn't say anything but then.
A white woof came running up to them; then, the wolf turned into Saya.
She ran up to me and blocked Rahl and Zex from coming to me.
"Dont come near him!" She yelled. She seemed very protective.
Then she seemed to calm down like she was listening to something, her eyes seemed to tear up a little.

Then I heard footsteps.
I looked over, and I saw them.
Asch, Rhys, Peirce, Noi, and Leif
They seem exhausted like they've been walking for a while.
Then Saya looked over.
She saw Noi and ran up to him after changing into her wolf form.
She looked like she was licking his face.
'Cute,' I thought.
Rhys came up to me.
He seemed confused. Like he wanted to hug me, but also like you would stare at a creature you've never seen before. He probably thinks I'm Freddy.
"Before you ask, I'm not Freddy; I'm Felix, long story." I stated bluntly. Rhys nodded.
"Asch," Rahl stated bluntly. Staring at his brother.
"Rahl," Asch growled.

Awww sweet family reunions.

As for me and the others, we went to the house, while Zex and Rahl stayed behind with Saya and Bish.
She isn't dead, not yet.

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