The twins

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Felix's pov
As soon as Saya left the room, I followed her, but as I tried, I was immediately pulled back to Freddys.
He had changed clothes.
He was up and looking in the mirror.

He was up and looking in the mirror

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"Oh course you're not." I said bluntly
He jumped as I said that. His eyes widened as he.....saw me.
"Who are you? Why do you look like me!?" He shouted, confused.
"You can see me!?" I shouted, equally confused.
"Answer my question!" Freddy yelled at me.
I too a breath and.
"I am or would have been, your brother, Felix." I said, floating around him.
"What? Felix is dead; he died when I was born," Freddy muttered.
"Well, I am here," I said, stopping and getting to the ground next to him.
I noticed on his neck was what seems like a snowflake.
"Well, I guess I have horns and wings, I think whatever Rhys did must have awakened you." Freddy muttered. He really should stop doing that.
"Hey, quit your mumbling, so I'm here, don't question it," I yelled. "Ok, that was about far, sorry."
Freddy sighed."It's okay; I was mumbling," Freddy said a little more happily.
"Yeah, now, do you have anything in your clothes?" I asked, his clothes were ruined thanks to his wings coming out.
"Just my sleep meds, I've been having trouble sleeping, so my doctor prescribed them." Freddy said, grabbing a pill bottle from his pocket.
"Well, hold on to them; they could help later." I explained.

Freddy then left the room, and I followed him.
We didn't see anybody, and he walked out of a door, and we went outside.

"Oh Freddy, this is Saya, we were friends, but then she disappeared," Ava called out excited

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"Oh Freddy, this is Saya, we were friends, but then she disappeared," Ava called out excited.
"Really? Huh, guess this is where she ended up." Freddy called. "So did you explain our...situation?"
"Of course, I did as soon as we met," She said.
"Yeah, I see you got the clothes I gave you." Saya said. Yeah, she laid the clothes out. I saw.
"Yeah, and thanks for cutting the holes In the back." Freddy announced.

"Well, we should go get some food from the market, I am almost out," Saya mentioned. Then she pulled out a small sack, with a string tie.
"Here have this; it's the currency here, buy something to make your stay here more....enjoyable"
Saya said, giving a sack to Freddy, Ava, and Amelia.
For a second it looked like she saw me....but I must be seeing things.

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