Park and pupper

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3rd person.
Freddy got up early and was reading a book.
Freddy was about to turn the page when in the corner of his eye, he saw Rhys sneak out of his wall portal.
"What are you doing?" Freddy asked, and Rhys jumped startled. "If you're going to disturb Ava. Don't she's cranky when she doesn't get enough sleep."
Rhys hearing that came and sat next to Freddy.
"Well, since we're both here, I guess if you want, I could teach you, Russian." Freddy said, blushing slightly.
Rhys, on the other hand, his eyes lit up.
"I would love to learn it." He said smiling like he was given Ice cream.

Time skip(Because I'm tired)

"Ok, Now Rhys say the following phrase." Freddy said calmly standing Rhys a piece of paper with Russian writing on it.
Rhys studies the paper carefully.
"lisa pobezhala po koridoru." (The fox ran down the hallway) Rhys did slowly so he couldn't mess up.
"Good, now lets-" Freddy was interrupted by Asch shouting.
"Dress me, human!" he shouted followed by Ava screaming.
"Ashsh sumasshedshiy v volke moyego deda" Rhys complained in Russian.
"Yeah, Asch is crazy in the wolf of your grandfather," Freddy said, translating what Rhys said.
Rhys's eyes lit up "Those we're all real Russ-ian words!" He shouted triumphantly.
Freddy giggled, and Rhys blushed when he did.
Time skip
"Ava what are you doing?" Freddy asked his roommate.

"Mrs. Oates asked me to make some PB&Js for her, and I thought I might as well pack a lunch for us since I'm taking you guys out and I don't have any money. Plus, I don't feel desperate enough to eat Spam, no matter how nice Fred makes it smell."

"Aww, you do still have some dignity," Freddy teased. Learning Rhys likes him, which in turn made him act considerably more forward than he would usually behave.

"Are you Mrs. Oates's pupils?" Rhys interrupted, looking between the two. "You seem to do a lot of tasks for her."

"No, we're her neighbors and she also pays us a bit of money for helping her out and since Ava doesn't have a job, we do what we can." Freddy explained

"Plus, I like Mrs. Oates." Ava looked uncomfortable. "Even if she shared things with me that recently I don't wanna know."

"Are we leaving yet?' Leif grumbled impatiently.

"I grow impatient as well," Asch grumbled. "Where are we going?"

Ava put on her 'spooky Sorceress' voice. "Long ago, before the reign of the Internet, humans would go outside and enjoy the sun. The sun of our world gives us Vitamin D, which gives us nutrients we need to be more powerful. Today, we will be taking you to the ancient ruins of the park, a place where my parents would take me when I was younger to experience the world."

"Ancient?!" Noi gasped in wonder.

"Yes. But they are mere ruins now, as humans rarely visit them."

"... because of the In-ter-net," Rhys added thoughtfully. "What's that?"

"That will be a topic for another day," Freddy interrupted, drawing Rhys's attention back to him. "We'd like to introduce you to Earth slowly."

Time skip.
Freddy's pov
Ava took us to the park, and the Daemos immediately took off in different directions. I followed Rhys.
I wonder why he likes me?

As I approached Rhys, I overheard him talking to the children near the ice cream truck. "I see. The ice cream man brings you these? May I have that ice cream, then?"

"Uh... sure!" The child in the red hoodie got a mischievous gleam in his eye. "You just gotta pay me for it."

"But... I don't have any."

Then I chose that moment to intervene. "You don't want that one, Rhys: it's already been opened." I gently took his arm, leading him away. "C'mon, I'll buy you a fresh one from the truck over there." His eyes sparkled as I handed him the Derpy-Eyed Munchie Bear Pop, making me smile softly. "Let's get you back to the others. Okay?"

As Rhys walked in front of me, I made sure to nudge the red hoodie kid just enough to make him lose his balance. He fell over, dropping his ice cream in the process. "That's for trying to take advantage of him," I whispered as I passed by.

Then I look over to the left and I see.

"Hello, little guy," I say, kneeling to the puppy

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"Hello, little guy," I say, kneeling to the puppy. "You lose your owner buddy?"
Rhys finished his ice cream and looked over to me.
"Whats this tiny creature?" Rhys asked.
"This is a puppy; it's a creature that, with time, becomes a dog." I explained to him. Then I notice he has ice cream on his face.
" You're a sloppy eater, huh," I said, laughing.
I look back at the dog. He doesn't have a collar, so that's a good sign.

Time skip.
The daemos all walked back into Ava's apartment.
Freddy, for some reason, came in last and was holding something in his jacket.
Ava noticed this "Freddy what's in your jacket?" she asked.

Ava noticed this "Freddy what's in your jacket?" she asked

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Freddy opened his jacket and pulled out the puppy from the park

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Freddy opened his jacket and pulled out the puppy from the park.

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