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Amelia and Asch had come back into the house.
Lawrence was inside along with Joanna(The mom)
As soon as the Daemos and Human left the two let out a sigh of relief, they almost got caught watching them.

They giggled and walked into the dining room. They snuck in.
"Good, she's safe, I'm sorry I couldn't go in to save her." Lawrence apologized to Joanna.
" It's ok; you did what you could," Joanna comforted him.
"But she's my-" Lawrence was interrupted by Joanna shushing him and joining her husband.

She stood next to him, and he was talking.
" It's a wrong time right now, my daughter, who I love very much, was kidnapped and almost killed by Justin Howard, aka Genocide Jack, but she was rescued by myself and Aaron." William said
"Asch," Lawrence said through his teeth.
"What was that, Lawrence?" William said, a little angry.
"His name is Asch, not Aaron." Lawrence corrected," You got his name wrong."
"Dont care." William muttered," Besides, for the most part, I saved my daughter -"
Then he was interrupted by Lawrence breaking.
He had kept this secret for over twenty years, and he finally let it out..........

He had kept this secret for over twenty years, and he finally let it out

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"What!?" William asked pure rage in his eyes. "If this is a joke, IT SURE ISN'T FUNNY!!"
Joanna then spoke up.
"He isn't wrong; he is Freddy and Amelia's father," She admitted. Scared of what he would do.
"But- how- I DONT UNDERSTAND!?" William stuttered out.
"You wanted bad, but remember the doctor said you were Infertile, you believed he was wrong, and you screamed at me, blamed me for not giving you children." Joanna did nearly crying."But then I ran into Lawrence, for the first time in years, we dated before me, and you met, but you bought my parent's approval, and I had to date you." Joanna couldn't go on.
Lawrence then chimed in.
"You had a hard grasp on her, and when you proposed I was heartbroken, we still talked, wrote letters, then when we ran into each other at the store." Lawrence paused " After a lovely night, we both....had it, and she became pregnant with Freddy, and to have me in the picture; she hired me to watch him, and two years later, we had Amelia, it was amazing, " Lawrence was so happy he was crying.
"I was too scared to tell you and to see you harm my children, it broke my heart, so I took comfort in him" Joanna was frightened, and she hid behind Lawrence.
William just stood there, angrily.
" You're fired," He said to Lawrence, "And we will talk about this in private" He grabbed Joanna's hand and pulled her away.
"Let her go!" Lawrence tried to stop him but, William punched him in the face
Freddy and everyone else gasped.
William then dragged Joanna to their room.
"Lawrence!" Freddy ran to his biological father's side. "Or dad, I don't know what to say.
"Lawrence is fine," Lawrence said, sitting up. "Did he get me bad?"
Amelia ran to his side along with Asch and Ava.
" Terrible" Ava commented. "I'll get you an ice pack Peirce come with me."
"On it." Peirce said after a bit of silence.
They both ran off to the kitchen.

"Why...why didn't you tell us?" Freddy asked.
"As much I wanted you to have a positive father figure, your mother didn't want you guys to let it slip," Lawrence admitted.

"Freddy, your a scientist for the government, and Amelia, you keep your cool in any situation

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"Freddy, your a scientist for the government, and Amelia, you keep your cool in any situation." Lawrence is complimenting his children. "And you found these two, both amazing matches" He was referring to Rhys and Asch.
"Lawrence, you were the best father someone could have, even if we didn't know about it," Freddy said, hugging his dad. his real dad.
"I even kept this picture that was taken by accident; it was by one of my friends," Lawrence said, giving Amelia a small instant picture.

"I even kept this picture that was taken by accident; it was by one of my friends," Lawrence said, giving Amelia a small instant picture

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"It was right then when......he...claimed her" Lawrence was scared.

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